So far so good!

Jan 09, 2014 20:40

Well, the process of getting my braces on was painless and fast! I am sooooo impressed with my orthodontist! Not only is he good at what he does, but he's hilarious and he really cares about his patients. When the assistant was prepping me today, he came in and waved at me and told her to "take good care her. That's my buddy Tina." hahahaha

I got purple spacers. I was going to go safe with silver, but what's the fun of that? If I'm going to do this, I'm going to have fun with it. So there! LOL

I'm told that a lot of the pain will come tomorrow and I've been pleasantly surprised at the lack of it today so far. Mostly it's just trying to get used to the fact that there is metal in my mouth and I am apparently going to have to re-learn how to eat. HAHA Who knew so much food could get stuck in these things? It's going to be an adventure but I know after a few days of this I'm going to get the hang of things and I won't even really notice them.

I do have to go back once a month for adjustments and such. I won't always give a day by day account of "my life with braces." HAHAHA

Thanks for those of you who are reading! *huggles

braces, life

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