The Perfection That is Jeremy Renner

Oct 09, 2012 21:56

Yes...I'm sure you all know by now that I'm a Rennergade. LOL

He's an amazing actor and just a great human being and I think I was doing well with keeping the crush in check until I heard he could sing and decided to look it up. mustangcandi was here. She saw the whole thing...and how completely hopeless the situation was. LOL Bless her for putting up with me now because I'm a goner.

So, I thought I'd share some of the awesomeness here with you.

First, I give you New York State of Mind

SWOOOOONAGE!! That boy can WAIL!!!

Secondly, a song he wrote, called My World. He was taken completely by surprise...and still managed to make me spontaneously start having his babies:

image Click to view

And there you have it folks...the reason I know firmly believe that God hates me. He lets me discover someone perfect for me, dangles him in front of me and says:

I hope you all enjoy!!

the renner, music, love

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