Monday, Monday...

Feb 21, 2011 11:57

Hello!! I're all aghast that I am actually posting something. LOL

I am filling in for a co-worker today and am displaced to her office and well, I love her, but the clutter is KILLING me. I'm trying to ignore it and just say that I only have to put up with it for a little while longer (the student worker will be here from 12-2) but I can't be held accountable if I start organizing whatever all this crap is. LOL

So far it's been an easy morning, but I have to admit that I miss my office...I even miss the bustle of the hallway as the students change class. And yes, I miss my cubs...aka my professors. LOL I've seen most of them this morning but it's not the same. hehe

I know, it's sickening when people like their jobs, isn't it? LOL

Not too much going on in life...enjoying some beautiful weather. A perk to being in here today is there are windows so I can actually SEE the sunshine. The downside is...I can SEE the sunshine and I want to be out in it. LOL

I've been back on the diet wagon and am still firmly sitting there, after a month. I feel good about it. So far so good. : )

I've been reading the Harper Connelly series by Charlaine Harris while I wait for my next Sookie book to come out. I wasn't really expecting to get into them, but I'm in the 4th book now and am wondering when she's going to write the next one. LOL I bought the Dean Koontz "Frankenstein" series, but haven't started reading them yet. I hope that they will be interesting, since there are 4 books so far. I also need to read the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner that I got for Christmas. *squee* Now, if Stephanie Meyer would buckle down and finish Midnight Sun, I would be in heaven. : )

I am caught up on most of my shows now, so that's good. I had a blast last week with the N3 Fandom Appreciation. It felt good to get lost in that world again. I do miss my show. I wish we could convince someone to bring it back. *sigh

Anywho...almost time for Taylor, so I am going to sign off, but I hope you all are doing great!! mwah!!

n3 appreciation week, books, work

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