
Aug 11, 2008 13:21

Hey there guys! I just wanted to send a great big THANK YOU out to everyone who sent out good thoughts and vibes for me this morning!

I had my interview and to be honest, I think it was the best interview I've ever been in. I didn't giggle at all (I do that when I am nervous...I give a little giggle after each thing I say...*rolls eyes at self).

Anywho...I made it through the interview with a recommendation to the Executive Director, and hopefully the second interview will be before the end of the week!

I am really excited! I think that the position and the company both sound like a really good fit for where I am in my life right now. : )

I'll keep you posted when I hear more about when the next interview will be, but seriously...thank you so much for all of the encouragement. I love you guys!!

*huge huge huggles


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