Thing with me...

Jul 26, 2008 21:24

Hey folks!

Well, as some of you know I still haven't found work, and looking for one from morning until night was stressing me out enough that my neck was hurting again. So...Candi convinced me to take a week off from just about everything and while it was difficult...I followed her advice.

Now I am back to the grind and have heard that when classes start back up in August, there should be more job openings, so I am hoping that's true.

My brother's birthday recently passed on the same day as the great Ron you guys!!

I helped out Candi while she took a short hiatus and did some moderating in SaveColby...thanks to everyone for the support...I had a lot of fun!

Candi and I are all caught up on both Atlantis and Psych...wheeeeeeeeee

We also went and saw the new Batman movie...AWESOME!!!!!! So much happened though...I am definitely going to have to see it again to get everything. Oh the humanity. *wink

Candi and I also went into downtown Athens and walked around, getting a feel for the place. We found a Mellow Mushroom (YUM) and much to my surprise...a Schoolkids Records!!! I thought they only had those in Chapel Hill.

Surprisingly, we haven't really had time before now to really explore. Things come up, or we are tired...I think we are both waiting for the day when we finally find a routine and a sense of normalcy. My prediction is that just when I get comfortable...and find a rhythm...I'll find a job and have to start all over again. LOL

Today Candi and I went to her co-worker's house and picked blueberries. It was really a lot of fun. I have picked berries before, of course, growing up in West Virginia...but never blueberries. It was a lot more pleasant than getting tangled and scratched on raspberry and blackberry vines. LOL

I think one of the best parts about it was the scenery. After a little while of being there, a thunderstorm rolled in and while we were a bit disappointed that we had to wait it out, when we went back outside, it had cooled down considerably and was the perfect temperature for me. Also...there was that fresh, clean country smell in the air...I loved it! I feel a sort of soul rejuvenation after being out in the country and seeing all of those open fields...the farmland...breathing in the fresh air and taking in the quiet. Hearing stories of them planting trees and seeing them full grown now...seeing the horses quietly grazing and just being outside picking berries with a nice group of people. It was good for me and I am glad I went. : )

Now I am showered and in my jammies and am going to go watch tv and make cobbler with my bestie. Life is good.

I miss you guys and hope that this finds you all happy and well!! Love you!! *huggles

atlantis, sam, candi, job, birthday, athens, ron pope, blueberries, batman, psych

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