Home Sweet Home

May 29, 2008 21:09

Candi and I have been working really hard to get the house the way we want it and I think we're finally finished. hehe

So...just a warning, this will be a pretty lengthy picspam, but I hope you enjoy the virtual tour. : )

This is the living room...and I SO love this room. I am really impressed with how it looked when we got finished.

This is a revised picture...we changed the mantle a bit to include the "Harmony and Tranquility" plaques from Susan and also we added a pic of Julena to go with the one of Logan and Emily. *beams

This is the other side of the living room. YAY! I really love how bright it looks in the wonderful sunshine and the La Selva painting by Viggo Mortensen looks like it was just made for this room!!

Then we have the den. The coma couch and entertainment center are here. We anticipate many tasty marathons will take place in here...you know...Numb3rs, Lord of the Rings, The Bourne Trilogy...etc. : )

A more in depth look at the entertainment center. : )

Then we have the kitchen. This is Candi's mecca...I think we work well in there together so far. There is a lot of space...both of our kitchens from our apartments are consolidated into this one and there is still room. *spins

The dining room. It looks much more spacious than the way the lady had it before. I love that the table goes with the light fixture above...it's like my table was meant to be there. : )

This is the guest bathroom and I think it's rather trendy. We so didn't even mean to...it just happened naturally...but I like it. hehe

Since we're by the patio door, let's take a trek outside. Here is a shot of the backyard. *does angels in the grass We need to put down some grass seed, but I still love it. I can't wait to take a walk in those woods!!!!!

We have a yellow rose bush back there!!

Here is a close up of one of the fat roses. I swear...those were NOT like this the day before and then when I was cleaning in the laundry room I looked out the window and gasped!! Soooo beautiful!

Beside the rose bush is this interesting purple flower...anyone know what it is?? I don't know, but I think it's just gorgeous!

All right...I know, it's beautiful outside, but I still have to show you the upstairs. Come on! *grabs your arm and leads you back through the house. Here...we have the stairs. hehe

At the top of the stairs, this is looking towards the offices. Left to right we have my office, my bathroom, and Candi's office. Let's take a closer look.

Stepping into my office. See my pretty desk? Candi and I put that together ourselves! We rock!

Another view looking at my desk from the window. : )

Next in the hallway we have my bathroom. I was happy to find a rug that perfectly matched the colors of my dragonfly theme! YAY!!!

Next we have Candi's office. Isn't it lovely?? Yep...it's true...we totally put together her desk too!! She finally found a desk that's tall enough for her! WOOHOO!!!

Here is the view of her office from her window. Pretty!!!

Then it's across the hall to the bedrooms. This is mine...nice and purply...just like my bathroom. LOL

Next to my bed in that little nook is my entertainment center and my picture of my lighthouse. You can't see it in these pics, but if you were looking FROM my bed, there's another little nook that has my dolphin shelf, lighthouse painting from my sister, and my clock. : )

Then as you walk into Candi's room, you'll find her uber trendy bathroom that's got an ocean/seashell theme going on. She's really good at stuff like that. : )

Then when you step into her bedroom, it's light and airy and very spacious! WHEEEE!!!

Here's the view from her windows. Isn't this room lovely and inviting??

And there you have it...that's our house for the most part. There are pantrys and garages and nooks and crannys that didn't make it in, but hey...we have to leave SOME mystery for future posts, right?? hehe

Anywho...I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Now...hopefully we're going to take the weekend to just enjoy the house now that all of the hard work is done.


pics, home

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