I'm off...

May 08, 2008 09:25

Mornin' campers. I was going to post last night and now that I am thinking about it, I am not sure why I didn't. LOL

Yesterday was my last day of work. Richard and Edie helped to make it less painful by being their cheery selves, as did Kathleen. I was certain I was going to cry! haha Edie took me out to lunch and we had a really nice time chatting. I spend so much time with Richard...it was good to just have some Edie time too before I left.

So...um...yeah...I'm officially unemployed at this moment. Part of me is glad because I need that time to move...but another part is freaking out. LOL

Today Candi and I are headed to WV for a few days. I'm spending the weekend with my sister-in-law and my niece and feel a riot coming on from the rest of my family. Going home isn't supposed to be SO stressful, right? I mean, there's always the normal family stress, but this is ridiculous. It's no wonder I normally avoid the place like the plague.

Anywho...for those of you who were following my picspam, Mardi Gras Jack Sparrow is traveling with us today to live with Jess. It was either that or *whispers* the recycle bin.

I need to go and finish packing...yes, I know I should have done it last night, but as I stated, I don't know what I was doing that had me NOT doing anything I was supposed to. LOL

OH!! My neighbor John is taking my sleeper sofa on Tuesday!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYY!!! I thought I had a home for my entertainment center too, but no luck. *sighs Sad too cause it's a really pretty one...I love it.

But anyways...I am gonna get going, but I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll talk to you soon!! *huge huggles....T

candi, jess, edie, sofa, julena, home, richard, work

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