And now...for something completely different...

May 06, 2008 21:06 I finished the journal. I have to say that it was an amazing experience, one that I never thought I'd have, but one that I am glad for. Marguerite was an amazing woman, and it was an honor to be involved in helping to share this precious heirloom with the rest of her family. I am having mixed feelings. I am glad to be done with it because I wanted to finish before I left, and yet at the same time...Catherine wasn't there when I left today and so I feel like it's still a bit unfinished. I am going to email her and thank her for allowing me into such a personal part of her life.

In other boss sent me home with the "Monty Python's Flying Circus" series and knowing I had limited time, had me write down which ones I HAD to watch. I've watched all but two now and have been quite amused. Some, of course, are funnier than others, but the actors are good. I keep forgetting that most of these skits were done before I was born, if not all of them and so when I want to look up more on the actors, I know they would have seemed old to me in whatever else they were in. LOL

No one saw this coming, but I am going to be spending the weekend with my sister-in-law and my niece. We've been making small plans and it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see Julena and spend so much time with her!!!!! Like honestly...I can't wait. And I am also excited that Candi is going to get to meet her. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!

Tomorrow is my last day of work...and then it's off to home and then back to get the moving process started, so I apologize if I am not in touch as often as I could be. I know I need a little nudge now and then anyways...but just wanted you to know.

Love you guys! MWAH! T

moving, candi, jess, julena, journal, monty python

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