
May 09, 2007 09:23

Of District boyses. This will probably be the last set that ya'll see for a while. Their tour is over early and so for now...these memories will have to tide me over. This time during the tour has been some of the best of my life and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, even the stressful times because even they were worth it.

Me and Chris. I love this joke. My own personal Joe Perry. *wink

Oh Phil...the bond of small towns and band is a strong one. I am determined that Kansas will not trap him again.

Me and Rp. He is so silly in pictures! haha Without Ron...I wouldn't have been involved in this at all...I can't thank you enough baby bear.

Me and Danlos. Good egg...great sense of humor...kick ass bass player.

My cubs...all happy and smiling. Have I ever told you how much I truly adore each and every one of them? My life is definitely changed because of them. Jay couldn't be with us due to health issues...I hope you're feeling better buddy! *hugs

the district

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