Week in the Life is a concept by
Ali Edwards. Others have said it's like Project Life on steroids and from what I've read I have to agree. It's about documenting your life, with pictures and words, in as many details as possible. Let's say one uses two
design A page protectors to document one week with Project Life. With Week in the Life, one might use one or two design A page protectors per day. Or make a special album (homemade, scrapbooked, printed, etc.) Just like with PL, there are no rules and it's up to each participant to decide.
Ali started doing WitL back in 2005 and blogged about it in 2008, 2010 and 2011 (see
masterpost.) Each year she decides on a week and invites anyone who wants to join in on the fun. During that particular week, Ali shares photos and a few words each following morning. The week after, she assembles her album. Just like with any other project, she blogs about her process before, during and after the project is over.
For 2012, Week in the Life is happening from Monday, April 23rd to Sunday April, 29th.
Which means, it ends tonight.
Originally, I wasn't going to participate because it sounded like a lot of work. I'm not up to date with PL although I do take weekly pictures and jot down notes each day in my diary. WitL seemed like a huge project to undertake. Then I realized it was happening during the first week of my Easter holidays so I started thinking "Why not?"
On Saturday 21st, my 2-month-old dslr camera got broken and my motivation broke with it. I cursed myself for leaving my old camera home. I knew I should have taken it! But I wasn't going to drive 3 hours and 200 kilometers just to fetch a camera and participate to WitL, right? I figured I could always do it on my own later, once my camera would be fixed, especially since WitL was happening during my holidays and I had mixed feelings about documenting that week. Then there was the fact that I could always do WitL entirely in Instagrams with my Samsung Galazy S II. Not the best option but an option nonetheless.
Eventually, I woke up on Monday (23rd) and decided that screw it, broken camera or not, I'm doing WitL! Sure, I can't modify/use/change any of the settings on my dslr or see what I'm shooting but I can still use that damn camera. I just have to take even more shots than before in the hopes of getting decent ones.
I had and still have no real plans. I don't know if I'm including WitL in PL, if I'm doing a digital album that I'll print via Leclerc or if I'm doing a homemade scrapbooking album. Those are my top three options but I might end up doing something else entirely. I didn't blog about WitL but I'm considering doing it next week or maybe even later. Sharing my week with others isn't my main goal.
Actually, my one and only goal for this project was to take daily pictures of all four cats. I forgot on Thursday but on a couple other days I have two different photoshoots so I'll cheat and use one of those as Thursday. And since there are no rules in PL or WitL, it's not even really cheating.
The thing is my life during the holidays is very different from my life during school time. I don't live at the same place, I don't see the same people, I don't do the same things. I was waiting until the week was over to see if something, a lay-out, an idea, an inspiration jumped at me depending on what I ended up doing. It turns out my holiday weeks are mainly spent sleeping and helping out at the shelter with a bit of shopping and TV watching and lots of mindless Internet surfing. I've been wanting to do something about the shelter for a while so maybe WitL will be the medium to do it.
But one thing's for sure now: I'm doing it again from Monday, May 7th to Sunday, May 13th. No, I'm not insane. But I'll be at my place and working so things will be very different. At that point, I'll decide whether I want to document both weeks or just one and how. At least that's what I'm hoping.