Inside my mind

Sep 06, 2010 20:01

I had a dream two nights ago that I and unspecified friends went to a charity dinner of some kind attended by musicians. It was by invitation only and I got us invitations but at the door they asked for a donation of at least $500 and I was like uhhh, no? So they said just go in anyway since if you just give us $20 it won't make any difference. And then for some reason amongst the things I was carrying with me I was carrying a ziploc bag of loose tea leaves and the donation lady was like what's that? And I was like it's not what it looks like, so she let us in.

And then we were inside and we were trying to decide where to sit when Raine Maida spotted us and smiled and waved us over to sit at his table. Chantal Kreviazuk was there too, and they were both really nice and signed some stuff we’d brought with us (suddenly we had OLP stuff with us). I don't remember if anything happened after that but I remember just being very excited to be hanging out with them.

So that's that. This dream was much more linear than other dreams I've had in the past. I only remember dreams that I have in the mornings when I'm partially awake, and given the linearity of this particular one, I must have been more awake than asleep. Anyway, it isn't all that interesting, but I'd written this up so I figured I may as well post it. Sorry for the boring that is my brain. :)

dreams, chantal kreviazuk, general, our lady peace

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