...And ordered fifteen ridiculous drinks!

Jul 16, 2010 00:40

Well, more than fifteen, actually, assuming they had one drink per question. :D

The characters on the Fifteen Characters meme are as follows. I tried to choose characters I feel like I know fairly well, so that I'd know how to answer the questions :)

1. Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Malcolm Reynolds - Firefly/Serenity
3. The (Tenth) Doctor - Doctor Who
4. Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean
5. Dr. Horrible - Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
6. Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars
7. Jordan Catalano - My So-Called Life
8. Aragorn - Lord of the Rings
9. Sweeney Todd - Sweeney Todd
10. Max Guevara (X5-452) - Dark Angel
11. Walter Bishop - Fringe
12. The Dread Pirate Roberts, a.k.a Westley - The Princess Bride
13. Legolas - Lord of the Rings
14. Sirius Black - Harry Potter
15. Peter Klaven - I Love You, Man

From spacecowboy310:

Which character will go out for breakfast with Ten (Max Guevara), and once Ten leaves for the bathroom this character will sneakily eat off Ten's plate of food without asking?

Walter would be on a plane to Seattle with Peter one day and suddenly find that they’ve landed in an alternate version of Seattle that is post-apocalyptic (terrorists detonated an electromagnetic pulse weapon that took out most of the computer and communication systems in the US), and it’s the middle of the night. There they run into Max, who at first wants nothing to do with Water and Peter since she’s got enough of her own stuff to deal with. But after Walter figures out that she’s genetically enhanced (he’s conducted similar experiments in the past that were less successful) and tells Max he can help her, she’s willing to hear him out. By then it’s morning so they go for food. When Max gets up from the table, Walter can’t help sampling the post-Pulse bread that’s on her plate, because he’s never seen it before. Walter tells Peter the bread’s better than it looks, and could Peter please track down a coffee yogurt for him somewhere? It would go perfectly with it, and coffee yogurt is his favourite.

Which character would you beat easily in a verbal fight and a physical fight? And how would you defeat them?

Verbal fight - Jordan Catalano. Dude, have you SEEN this guy try to express himself verbally to people he cares about? Occasionally, he’s accidentally brilliant and says something insightful, but these instances are rare and far outweighed by things he says that, er, aren’t so insightful.

Physical fight - Peter Klaven. The guy has never punched anyone before, and when the urge struck him, he panicked and slapped the guy in the face instead. I think I could take him.

Six (Veronica Mars) and Two (Malcolm Reynolds) are dancing. Three (The Doctor) wants to cut in and dance with Two (Malcolm Reynolds), how will six (Veronica Mars) react?

First of all: ahahahaha. Second of all: In the event that Mal and The Doctor are both slightly drunk, Veronica would go and get her camera and discreetly take some photos in case at some later time she could use these photos as leverage for something she needs Mal or The Doctor to do...or perhaps for some free space transport, just for kicks. Actually, Veronica would eventually get bored of trying to get compromising photos, since apparently all The Doctor wanted to do was discuss Mal’s ship Serenity and find out what gadgets and features it has.

One (Buffy Summers), Ten (Max Guevara), Fifteen (Peter Klaven), and Eight (Aragorn) are playing scrabble. Who do you think is going to win? Who is going to try to cheat?

Hmm...well, Aragorn wouldn’t win, because he’d keep trying to put down words like "uruk-hai" and "nazgul" and the others would keep challenging him to find the words in the Oxford English Dictionary. Buffy would do okay but wouldn’t be in the lead, and eventually would just get bored. Max would try to use her enhanced vision to try to read words off a computer from across the room and to try to see the other players’ tiles, but she’d get bored eventually too. Peter Klaven, dork extraordinaire, would win the game and thoroughly enjoy playing it.

From kyasuriin:

5 (Dr. Horrible) and 12 (The Dread Pirate Roberts) get a pet - what do they get?

The Dread Pirate Roberts feels badly about that ROUS he had to kill in the Fire Swamp that one time, so he suggests adopting a baby ROUS and taking care of it to make up for the past. Failing this, he wouldn’t mind having a pet horse, so he doesn’t have to run around everywhere by foot all the time.

Dr. Horrible states that he wants a pet that’s evil - and therefore he wants doves, since they look innocent but can be trained (by him) to perform evil. He also thinks it’d be cool having them go on recon missions and reporting back to him (using a bird translation device he is attempting to develop). Roberts gives Horrible a look of incomprehension throughout his explanation, and after a long pause, gives his okay.

In the end, they end up getting both the doves and the horse, which Horrible was happy to agree to since he hoped that by having a pet horse, he could gain more insight into the mind of his hero and boss, Bad Horse.

tell me how 1 (Buffy Summers) and 4 (Captain Jack Sparrow) meet

A spell gone wrong sends Buffy back in time to the 18th Century Caribbean, in Port Royal. While she’s there, she manages to "borrow" some clothing from a clothes line, all the while wishing she still had that dress from Halloween a few years back. She watches from a corner as some guy in a bad white wig gets presented with a sword and promoted to Commodity, or something. Maybe it was...Commodus? Commodore? Whatever. Later on as she’s sitting around near the edge of a rock cliff, trying to figure out what to do next, she sees a woman fall over the edge and into the water below. Her rescuer instincts kick in, but when she gets down there and immediately dives into the water, she belatedly sees that some guy with long dreadlocks has already saved the woman. She swims over to the dock, where the man is leading the unconscious woman, and gets out next to him. He turns to look at her and, after giving her a thorough look-over, smiles broadly and says, "Well hello there, lovely. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow. And what be yer name?" Buffy grimaces at his breath and the fact that he appears (a) to be a pirate and (b) to have gold teeth, but is drawn to his jaunty mood anyway and smiles back, chuckling at the absurdity of it all, and says her name is Buffy. Jack seems intrigued by her unusual name and lack of ladylike decorum, and is even fonder of her when she later busts him out of jail without breaking a sweat.

8 (Aragorn) and 15 (Peter Klaven) are a crime-fighting duo - who's the leader and who's the sidekick? What about their powers&costumes?

LOL. Okay, so Aragorn is definitely the leader, and Peter Klaven is definitely the sidekick. Aragorn, clearly being in the wrong century (and the wrong Earth, really) isn’t so good with the research side of things, but can be relied on at a flash for action and strategy. Meanwhile, Peter is able to Google for information, and always has his best friend Sydney available in case Aragorn and Peter need backup. Peter, being nerdy, is familiar with Aragorn from the Middle-earth stories, and insists that Aragorn just wear his usual Ranger wear because he just looks sooo cool in them. Meanwhile, Peter makes himself a button to wear on his shirt that says "Peter Klaven: Fighting crime all the time!", which he hides under his suit jacket when he’s working, in order to preserve his "secret identity".

11 (Walter Bishop) is stuck on a camping trip with 9 (Sweeney Todd) - are they thrilled or disappointed?

Er, well Mr. Todd is disappointed because this man Bishop doesn’t talk sense, and this is cutting into his time to plan his scheme to kill the Judge. Meanwhile, Walter is disappointed that Mr. Todd isn’t big on conversation, but is thrilled to be out in the wilderness, where there are various fascinating flora and fauna to investigate.

From perfumaniac:

Would six (Veronica Mars) and seven (Jordan Catalano) make a cute couple?

Most definitely. And the height different would be less than it was with Veronica and Logan, too! Not sure how long they’d actually last as a couple, though, given that they don’t seem to have much in common, and Veronica keeps trying to probe into aspects of Jordan’s life that he doesn’t want to talk about. Plus, they both still seem hung up on their respective exes. But yes, visually they are the cutest couple.

Has five (Dr. Horrible) ever seen nine (Sweeney Todd) naked?

I would have to say no, since Dr. Horrible is currently still alive. My guess would be that if someone were to accidentally teleport himself into Sweeney Todd’s bathroom, he wouldn’t live to tell the tale. Unless said hypothetical evil genius was able to teleport himself back out in time, of course. ...Well, the button malfunctioned first and there was some running away that had to be done first, but still.

Can twelve (The Dread Pirate Roberts) and eight (Aragorn) ever be best friends?

For sure. Both are used to living off the land for long periods of time and are expert trackers and swordsmen. They are also both heroic and both just trying to right things so that they can get back to their respective true loves, Buttercup and Arwen. Westley could tell Aragorn about Florin and his life as a pirate and Aragorn could tell Westley about Gondor and Rivendell, and all in all they’d have a lot to bond over.

From strophie:

Thirteen (Legolas) is babysitting child!Eleven (Walter Bishop), Three (The Doctor), and Six (Veronica Mars) for the day. Which one drives Thirteen (Legolas) the most bonkers? Which one is the sweetest? Which one convinces Thirteen (Legolas) to feed them ice cream before dinner?

Young Walter and The Doctor collectively drive Legolas the most bonkers, with their endless questions and scientific experiments that don’t always turn out perfectly. Though, if he’s honest, Walter and the Doctor remind Legolas of his old friends Merry and Pippin, so he doesn’t really mind so much. Veronica would ask fewer questions but would try to figure things out on her own, all while holding a giant magnifying glass in her left hand and an investigator’s notebook with invisible ink pen in her right. Legolas would often sense her trying to sneak up on him undetected, and he’d smile and pretend not to notice her. Veronica’s a bit standoffish though and doesn’t like people getting to close. On the other hand, Walter is of course the sweetest and, though he occasionally makes statements that are far too blunt, always means well.

The Doctor would try to use a sonic screwdriver on Legolas’s prized bow, but because he’s not quite sure how to work it yet, he accidentally causes the bowstring to snap. Legolas is angered until they realize that the bow, when used, no longer ever misses its target, even if it’s around the corner or behind the archer who shot the arrow. Legolas is so pleased that when The Doctor suggests ice cream before dinner, Legolas readily agrees.

Two (Malcolm Reynolds) and Three (The Doctor) arrive in chemistry class to find out that they are to be lab partners for the term. Are they happy about that? Nervous? Annoyed? Which one does all the work? Which one blows up the lab?

They are both very happy. Upon meeting Mal, The Doctor cheerfully introduces himself and shakes Mal’s hand, all the while talking up a storm, wondering what experiments they’ll be conducting, and that if he could only hide the TARDIS in the lab, they’d get everything analyzed much more quickly, and other random nonsense that Mal has trouble following. What Mal gathers, though, is that (a) The Doctor is some sort of scientific genius and (b) this TARDIS is some sort of a ship, so as far as Mal’s concerned, if the Doc wants to take lead on the lab work, that’s fine by him. The Doctor seems pleased enough to have Mal’s company and appreciates the witty rejoinders and comments. When Mal tells him that he’s a Captain, The Doctor’s eyes light up. "Oh, a captain! I know this other captain, goes by the name of Captain Jack Harkness..." And he’s off again, telling another story, as Mal listens and chuckles good-naturedly.

Five (Dr. Horrible) is running very late for an international flight, and is trying to sweet-talk One (Buffy Summers), Twelve (The Dread Pirate Roberts), and Fourteen (Sirius Black) into letting him/her jump the check-in queue. How well does that go? Who lets Five in with a smile? Who lets Five in, but feels really stepped-on and put-out by it? Who just refuses to move? Four (Captain Jack Sparrow) is the agent at the counter -- how does he/she react?

Westley, ever the polite pirate gentleman, would likely step aside and let Horrible go ahead of him. Buffy would be running late too, so she’d be reluctant to let him jump the line, but then he continues to flail and explain how there are very important things that he needs to be on time for or Penny might really fall for Captain Hammer. "Funny," Buffy says, narrowing her eyes at Horrible’s photo of Captain Hammer. "He looks a lot like this evil priest I met once. You know what? Go right ahead."

And Sirius Black readily gives up his spot with a charming smile, since he’s only there because he’s curious about how Muggles travel. He can, of course, just Apparate to wherever he needs to be, and at any rate he doesn’t have one of those passport things.

Part of the reason the lineup is so long, it turns out, is because Captain Jack Sparrow is handling the counter and he’s chatting up all of the attractive customers. When it’s Horrible’s turn at the counter, Jack looks around and sees airport security coming - apparently Jack isn’t the real ticket agent; he just knocked out the agent and took his place. When Dr. Horrible turns to look at the security officers and then turns back, he realizes that his boarding pass and passport are gone and Jack was currently jumping over a partition and running towards the gates.

Ten (Max Guevara) is a barista. Twelve (The Dread Pirate Roberts) is a regular customer. How do they interact? Are they friends? Do they make small-talk? Do they just sort of study each other? Does Ten know Twelve's drink, or is Twelve full of surprises?

Westley’s been coming into the coffee shop for a little while, and every time he comes in he greets Max with a nod and a smile, and when Max asks what drink he wants he tells her to surprise him. And every time just before her leaves, he comes back to the counter and gives her his guess as to what the drink was...and he’s always right.

Max has been watching Westley when he’s there. He’s always there at the same time as three other men who sit together at another table, who are fairly noticeable given that one’s a giant, one’s got a scabbard, and the other periodically gestures and shouts angrily at the others. The coffee shop is usually pretty busy, so they don’t notice Westley, who always situates himself at a table in the back corner and just sits quietly, watching. Max wonders what it’s all about but is too busy serving coffee to find out anything. She mutters under her breath to herself that Logan had better appreciate how hard she’s working on this undercover job for that case he’s working on.

What is Nine (Sweeney Todd)'s favourite soft drink?

Orange Fanta. For some reason he really likes the stuff. Couldn’t tell you why.

Under what circumstances would Seven (Jordan Catalano) and Eight (Aragorn) go out on a date?

Under very unusual circumstances, I tell you what. I can think of almost no instance where this would happen. Well, maybe if...no, no circumstances whatsoever.

From aldehyde:

Would 4 (Captain Jack Sparrow) and 8 (Aragorn) like to go swimming?

Captain Jack probably wouldn’t mind a nice dip in the water, being a pirate and used to being off land most of the time. Aragorn, having grown up in Rivendell and subsequently living off the land as a Ranger for several years, surely also appreciates the water for a refreshing swim on occasion, and less frequently than that, for a bath.

Does 11 (Walter Bishop) enjoy eating candy and chocolates?

Yes, he sure does! Walter loves his sweets, and pudding pops and cotton candy are amongst his favourite foods. He also enjoys various desserts and I would be rather shocked to learn of a dislike for chocolate.

Have 1 (Buffy Summers), 3 (The Doctor), 9 (Sweeney Todd) and 14 (Sirius Black) ever been married?

No (except in one of Angel’s dreams one time), Yes, Yes, and No. The first three marriages ended tragically in one way or another (including the dream one), and Sirius never really had a chance in the first place. :(

Would 7 (Jordan Catalano) watch "adult" material on the computer?

I don’t think he’d mind, honestly, but I’m not actually convinced he’d know how to. Plus, he’s always busy with something, whether it’s his band or avoiding school or looking for Tino. I doubt he’d have the time.

If 2 (Malcolm Reynolds), 6 (Veronica Mars) and 13 (Legolas) went shopping, would they buy many cheap items, or splurge their money on one thing from a well-known brand?

They all seem more like the splurge on big items types, but if they were all going to agree on one big thing I don’t know what they’d get. Mal would be shopping for upgrades for Serenity, Veronica would want new camera equipment, and Legolas would be over in the House of Knives.

Would 5 (Dr. Horrible) ever consider joining the circus?

I think he’d consider it, since he could use the circus as a platform to demonstrate his inventions to an audience (we know he likes an audience, since he’s got a video blog) and since maybe he could get a free ticket for Penny. But no, in the end he’d decide against it because all he really wants is to join the Evil League of Evil, and the circus wouldn’t really help with that goal.

Do 10 (Max Guevara) and 15 (Peter Klaven) know how to operate a motor-vehicle?

Yup, Max drives her prized Kawasaki Ninja 650 motorcycle everywhere for her job as a courier (as well as for certain other uses, like fleeing the Sector cops and rescue missions) and Peter can drive a car. He’s also able to ride on the back of a Vespa LXV with a friend of his.

Does 12 (The Dread Pirate Roberts) have any siblings? If so, do they get along?

Pretty sure Westley has no siblings, but if he did, I think it’d be a much younger brother, with whom he would get along very well and to whom Westley would send letters all the time, telling him of his adventures.

From fera_festiva:

Who would win in a fight between eight (Aragorn) and fifteen (Peter Klaven)?

DEFINITELY ARAGORN. If you need a reason why this is the case, go and watch Aragorn fight Uruk-Hai in Fellowship of the Ring. And then watch Peter Klaven make a phone call in ILYM.

If two (Malcolm Reynolds), nine (Sweeney Todd), six (Veronica Mars), and fourteen (Sirius Black) were stuck on a desert island with no food, who would be eaten first?

Poor Veronica would probably be eaten first, I’m sad to say. Although she’s a smart girl, I don’t know if desert island survival skills are necessarily her forte, you know? I mean, hook her up with a nice camera or a laptop and she can work metaphoric magic, but... then again, she is a resourceful lass. And also inscrutable.

And at least Mal and Sweeney Todd might be able to hunt for food or something.

Mr. Todd doesn’t strike me as a desert island kinda guy either, but...he’s Sweeney friggin’ Todd. He’s kind of a murderer and things. If anyone even tried to get near him, his blades would go slicing, all while he sings a song.

(Sirius would be completely fine, since I feel that the ability to (a) do actual magic and (b) change into a dog kinda give one the edge. That aguamenti spell would probably come in handy, eh?)

meme, fun

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