(no subject)

May 29, 2007 10:59

The past few weeks have been rather eventful, at least compared to the nothing that usually happens.

Saturday, May 19

I met up with Michelle at 10:30 for brunch at Milestone's (waiter: "Have you been here before?" Me, on not enough sleep: "Uh...well, I've been to a different Milestone's...does that count?") and then we watched Spider-Man 3 at noon. The movie was...all right, I guess. I liked it enough at the time, but now I'm sort of meh about it. There were parts I liked, but there were also parts where I just wanted them to get on with it and get back to the story and issues at hand. Also, the story sort of took its sweet time getting started in earnest, although I didn't mind all the MJ-and-Peter relationship angsting as much as some other people did, on account of me being a sap and all.

After the movie I let Michelle challenge me to a re-match of the Scene It? DVD Game, Movie Edition. She did manage to win the last round, but mostly I am still the uncontested random movie trivia champion. Yay me? Gosh, so much useless information, so little brain space...

Right after that I drove off to London to visit with Izzy for the rest of the weekend, which brings us to...

Sunday, May 20

We actually got some studying done this day - we were so good! The only reason I endeavoured to try to study at all is because of Iz. Her exams started this Saturday (the 26th), so you know...studying was a good idea. We followed that up by going to see Shrek the Third, which was entertaining but rather short and somewhat less amusing than Shrek 2. To be fair, though, Shrek 2 is the only movie that's ever made me crack up with laughter while at the theatre, so this third movie had a lot to live up to.

Monday, May 21
I successfully left London around the time that I'd planned to, for once. Usually I get cajoled into staying a bit longer. :) Managed to get home in time to watch the Heroes finale, which was somewhat underwhelming but still good.

Tuesday, May 22

The series finale of Veronica Mars. Sniff. It was a good season finale, but it was by no means a series finale by design. Wah. I'm starting to get the feeling that if I want a show to have a chance in hell to stay on the air at all, I should just not watch it. 'Cause almost every show I watch is inevitably doomed before its time...

Friday, May 25
Is the day I got back my CKE exam results (that's exam 1 of 3) and found out I finally passed it. Also, I was gonna go watch Pirates 3 to celebrate, but that didn't work out since I had an inventory count to do on...

Saturday, May 26

...at 8:30AM. But the second that was done, it was off to Pirates. And it was AWESOME. Who wants to go again?? We went to the theatre at 4:30PM for the 5:30PM showing, which was perfect timing because we got there just before everyone else, and I got the rush of being in a crowded theatre without having to deal with lining up or anything tedious like that. :) On our way out after the movie, we saw all the people lined up for the 9:00PM (and later?) show(s) and somehow because I am mean I found it absolutely hilarious that they all had to line up. Mwahaha.

Sunday-Monday, May 27-28
Training and practice exam for exam the second. Not much to say about that.
And that brings us to...

Tuesday, May 29
And I'm going to see The Phantom of the Opera tonight at the Princess of Wales Theatre with Mom. I was too young the first time the show was in town and I thought the Phantom was scary. :) Mom loves it though, so it should be fun! I expect it to be fully cheesy.

exams, spider-man, veronica mars, pirates of the caribbean, movies, television

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