(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 16:35

Julie went out last night.  Totally good time.  Ended up crashing at Dave's apartment with a couple of his cousins and one of their boyfriends.  We didn't even think about sleep until like 5am.  At Dave's I slept on this little loveseat couch thing that was seriously little.  It was funny.  It pulled out into a bed, but none of us had the energy to pull it out.  Then, Julie had to roll out of bed at 7:15 to take my little brother to work.  He decided he was going in an hour later than he told me.  So I got to sleep in my own bed for a bit.

I noticed that I have some sort of feelings for Dave.  I don't know how strong they are though.  One of the girls who was with us last night, Lori, dated Dave.  She's dating his cousin right now, but she's extra flirty with him.  It kinda made me jealous.  Maybe it's because I know their past, but there were still some little jealous bugs running through me last night.

Okay, so I feel like I'm being a pest to Jason.  With his little brother sick and all, I don't want to overload him with "Hey.. how is everything..." BUT, I still want to talk to him.  It feels like no matter what angle I take to our convo's, it leads back to his brother.  I wish I could just cure his little brother.

I have to work tomorrow.  I'm excited.  I wish I could work more hours.  I want to get another job, but I just don't have the effort to do it.  I tried to get hired at Rite Aid.  I got a paper application and then a little card that said you have to do a phone application first.  So I call the number, and answer all of the questions.  They asked things like "Have you tried pot in the last three years" or "Have you ever stolen anything from work besides minor office supplies."  So of course I answer "NO" to all of these, but at the end it said I wasn't qualified.  I gave up hope after that.  Job searching sucks.

I watched Bill Cosby, Himself last night at Dave's place.  That was the single most funny thing I've seen (next to Dave, himself. lol) in such a long time.  My favorite quote of the whole thing was like..

"Why do you do cocaine?"

"Because it intensifies your personality"

"But what if you're an asshole?"

Funny stuff right there.

I should find out who my roommate is on Saturday.  I'm excited.  My admissions councelor called me and told me I'm in the female freshmen (freshman?) dorm.  I'm excited about that.  I thought I wanted to be in the new apartment style living, but I think the traditional dorm living for my first year will give me a chance to bond easier.  The apartment style living is wayy up on top of a hill.. My dorm is right in the center of campus.. That means I can roll out of bed and get to class very quickly!  Yay!

I'm going to go shower now.  I feel incredibly gross.

<3 julie
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