Dec 05, 2008 12:53
The program won't let me put the blasted thing up right-
On the twelfth day of Christmas, juliedoc sent to me...
Twelve shadow_hives drumming
Eleven rasvis piping
Ten fifthaces a-leaping
Nine fearnottheflames dancing
Eight werewolves a-milking
Seven cats a-swimming
Six vampires a-beading
Five ba-a-a-ands
Four stargate atlantis
Three dresden files
Two horror movies
...and a folklore in an aromatherapy.
Ditto on the bands. Oh, and the Dresden files. How is it that cows let the werewolves close enough to them to milk them, I wonder? The cats must be terribly pissed at being made to swim, too.
I don't think the world is ready for more than one of you, Tabi, let alone eleven. The same with Nevi (though nevi does love to dance, as i remember . . .)