Hello, LJ

Aug 23, 2007 23:37

Well, hello LJ land! I don't even think anybody much reads these things anymore. I check my friends list every day or so, but more for communities I'm in than actual friends entries - b/c there aren't many. But, I can't complain b/c how long has it been since I posted... hmm... 9 months? 8 months? A long time! Anyway, I'm bored, so on with the update:

-I'm living in the Huntsville area where I will be starting a real job in September. One of two options, actually. I have one job, but I'm secretly waiting to maybe hear from another place I interviewed. Neither is what I really want to be doing, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

-It's boring here! I'm from this area, but I don't have a lot of high school people that I'm close to anymore, and only one really close Auburn bud lives here - Casey. But right now she's really busy (as I will be next month, I suppose). Right now I just do a lot of reading and game playing and walking and playing with the pets and chores, etc. Exciting life, let me tell you.

-Reading: I'm doing a lot of reading of books I used to love when I was in middle/high school. I'm currently re-visiting my sci-fi streak that I had when I was 15. I'm reading the Anne McCaffrey Dragonriders of Pern books. I read them all back then and liked them, but now I appreciate them for different things. It's not so much the dragons/sci-fi aspect, but rather the really awesome character development that I love. They are so easy to fly through. And they keep me up all night. Any of you other readers ever read any of them?
I've also read a few more of Ian McEwan's books. I just really have a high regard for his writing style. They are definitely not quick reads, but you come away from them knowing every detail you could ever want to know about a given character's life. Speaking of Ian McEwan - Atonement comes out in the UK in September and here in December. Can't wait! I don't have high hopes for the movie - not sure anything can live up to that book for me, but hopefully they'll get it mostly right.

-Movies: Speaking of movies/books, Golden Compass comes out the same day as Atonement in the US. I'm excited about that one too. I know they won't get it exactly as good as the book, but I hope it can find the following it deserves. I think a lot of displaced Harry Potter fans could find solace in Philip Pullman's books. They're brilliant. Not just the Dark Materials trilogy (being made into movies now), but also the Sally Lockhart trilogy which is slightly older (and for older readers) and is more of a mystery series than a fantasy/adventure series. Other interesting movies will be coming out soon too. I kinda wanna see Enchanted, that Disney live action/animation one. It looks funny/cute and has a good cast, I think.

-Harry Potter 7 (no spoilers): I'll just say that I enjoyed it. It was fun to read. The experience of it was pretty fun, too. Jeremy, Alan and I went to Valley to get it early, then we.... or rather they (I fell asleep at around 5am) pulled an all-nighter to read. Turns out Alan reads a good deal faster than me and Jeremy, haha. But anyway... I enjoy the Harry Potter series, though I do not appreciate JKR's writing style... or lack thereof.

-Endings: There were lots of those this summer. Harry Potter ended. Everyone parted ways in Auburn (that was sad). And the very same 24 hours that I finished HP and saw Jeremy and Kristen for the last time was also the day I saw my grandmother for the last time. She died two days later. Her funeral was the day before I was scheduled to move up here, actually. Let's just say that was a rough week.

-Contact: I have a new, non-Auburn email, so if you need to email me, maybe comment here or something and I'll get that to you. Or facebook me. That's my new favorite way of communicating - messages on facebook. My AU email still works, which I find kind of strange. It's been a year and a half nearly since I graduated, so shouldn't it have gone away? I'm not complaining, but it's still weird. I'm also still getting that AU magazine which I though you had to be an AU alum member to get after the one year free thing was up. Weird...

-Future: I really have no firm plans right now. The biggest thing on the horizon right now is my trip to visit Jeremy in Gainesville next weekend. And starting work, I guess. Though I'm really not so excited about 6am-3pm training for 7 weeks. After that... well, I guess I'll find out.

Keep in touch, everyone. I'll try to post a little more often, as the mood strikes me.
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