(no subject)

Dec 11, 2006 23:14

I had to copy and paste this essay as the publish to blog function for some reason didn't work for this essay...i tried to do this for about an hour or so and it wasn't working, so i hope this was okay.
So in my revising process, i didn't change a whole lot on this essay, as i took a lot of time in writing this essay in the first place, and revised it before i published it for marking. I had on of my close friends who's into writing review articles for magazines take a look at this article, and she cirtiqued this to peices.
One thing that she didnt' change that one of my classmates did though, was Italicizing the store name "Thyme Maternity" throughout this article. Also, my classmates kindly pointed out that i needed to have a prospective audience and publication type that when i published it the first time, i quickly added it. For my final draft if did some investigating, and believe that i have found good, valid sources that this essay could possibly be published in and be of interest for the readers.
Upon re reading classmates comments as well as Debbies, i re worded some sentences to make them stronger again and to make the essay flow nicer.
As you can tell by the time of this posting, i am one of those people that leaves things to the last minute, (not always by choice!) and i found that i didn't want t o change a lot about this essay. Im hopiong that by the editing that i did do, i would have obtained a higher mark if it was re submitted.

Julia Zimmerman
English 250
November 20th, 2006
Debbie Gascyone

Intended audience: Pregnant Woman
Prospective magazine: Thyme Maternity Catalogue (perhaps this could be a review written by a customer), Island Parent Magazine. This article could also be published online at a website called www.kidsinvictoira.com This website has been generated by new moms and future moms as a place of sharing information and selling of used toys, clothes, etc.

Thyme Maternity- A “must see” Destination for all Moms-to-be

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life when many questions circle about in her head. Some of these include, “Can I afford this child?” “How am I going to manage work?” “Where will the baby sleep?” But most importantly, above all of these questions, a woman asks, “What am I going to wear?” The woman’s body goes through incredible changes from one week to the next throughout her forty week pregnancy. Because of these changes, clothing that fits properly often becomes a problem. Soon after finding out she is pregnant, a woman notices that her pants are a little tighter and her bra’s are not fitting the same way. Some view the time frame of pregnancy as just a small fraction of ones life, but when your underwear is digging into your hips, this time can be dragged on for what seems like forever. At this stage, Thyme Maternity, the maternity experts, step in and lend a helping hand.
Thyme Maternity is Canada’s largest leading Maternity Retailer, and has the product to back up its stellar reputation. Thyme helps women through one of the most exciting parts of their lives by providing pregnant women with comfortable, affordable and stylish clothing. There is a large misconception out there that maternity clothing is expensive and that it is not fashionable. Thyme Maternity clothing is the opposite of these thoughts and offers clothing at an affordable price, while enabling women to maintain their current style.
On average, non- pregnant women shop for new clothing about every six months, and after another six months, they no longer wear their previous purchases due to season changes and trend changes. If you think about it, this time line is the same for pregnancy. A woman will shop when she is about three months pregnant, and by the time she hits nine months, she does not wear the clothes anymore. This six month time frame is the same as a non pregnant woman, therefore showing that purchasing clothing for a six month period is something women do anyways.
Thyme Maternity offers a wide variety of pant fits to suit each pregnant woman’s needs. Not every woman needs maternity clothes at the same time, thus the reason Thyme offers five different pant fits that are catered to specific stages of pregnancy. A woman can come in at two months pregnant and then again at eight months, and still find something to fit her ever changing body. Unfortunately, as women who have had babies know, the “mummy tummy” does not go away as soon as a woman gives birth. In an effort to reach out and help these new moms, Thyme has a clothing line called “The Now and After” collection which is geared towards new mothers who can’t quite fit into their regular clothes post birth. This particular line of clothing does not look like your stereotyped “maternity” clothing. There are no panels, no elastics, just a plain looking pant with a hidden waist band that offers extra growth and has the ability to shrink as the woman loses her weight. This is a win-win situation for new moms as they psychologically are done being pregnant and want to get back to their normal clothes, but just have not lost enough weight to do so.
When looking at Thymes prices on pants, they range anywhere from $9.99 up to a maximum of $65.00 which is the price of their premium denim line. When comparing these prices to regular clothing stores, Thymes prices do not even come near to the prices retailers of the same quality charge their customers. When looking at denim jeans at Bootlegger, a popular Canadian chain, the average price of their denim is $89.00. This is a $24.00 increase over Thyme’s prices. When we look at the average price of Thyme’s tops they range anywhere form $4.99 to a maximum of $59, again comparable with many retailers. Upon entering a Thyme Maternity store, one can see the various promotions Thyme offers to its customers. “Buy one get the second half price!” “2 for $45!” “Take $20 off”. Again, reminiscent of regular retailers sales, if not better.
Lastly, Thyme offers stylish clothing to their short term customers that they will want to wear. As Thyme is the only large company in Canada offering a full store of maternity wear, it has a reputation to maintain and also it needs to generate the increase of interest of future pregnant women. By offering its customers clothing that you would find at any other retailer but with modifications for a growing tummy, Thyme is a force to be reckoned with. Upon walking into a Thyme store, one would be hard pressed to realize that it in fact was a maternity store if it did not have the large tummies protruding everywhere.
Styles change in clothing from one minute to the next and Thyme is not an exception to the rule. Thyme consistently has new product coming in, and pushes the envelope when it comes to fashion. The average age of a pregnant woman is 26 years young, and in order to maintain their business, Thyme needs to suit their needs and wants. Let’s be honest, who wants to really be barefoot and pregnant? Or better yet, who really wants to wear their husband’s clothes? Not any woman in today’s society.
In conclusion, Thyme Maternity is the place to shop for new moms to be. Thyme could be considered the “Prada” of maternity wear, as its clothing has exceptional quality and is stylish. By offering different styles suitable for different stages of pregnancy, Thyme reinforces that its number one priority is on its customers desires. Realistically, who wants to pay a fortune for their clothing? There are not many of us who have refillable bank accounts, so being price conscious is a matter of survival. Providing their customers with “steals” on clothing, Thyme again shows its customers that it cares. If you become pregnant, do not want to change your style, and are not looking forward to paying a fortune on a new wardrobe, then head down to Thyme Maternity. The experts there will make sure you are looking your best without breaking the bank.
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