Oct 28, 2008 01:36
I'm in the market for a PS3. Weighed it out, considered the benefits of a Wii or Xbox 360, but I have settled on a PS3. If you have one that you want to sell or know anyone willing to part with theirs, let me know. I'm open to all reasonable offers.
By the way, my projector is AMAZING. I'm routing a digital output from the linux box, VGA-out to VGA-in, and it looks incredible. PS2, DVD player... eh, not so good, as it's going through crappy s-video. But if I get a PS3 it'll offer HDMI output and will also play DVDs and Blu-Ray so I should be covered. Simplicity itself! I can keep the PC running VGA out, as anything I download is going to be encoded and not super-high quality anyway, then get a PS3 and get rid of the PS2 and DVD player in one fell swoop.
*gears grind as I convince myself a PS3 is the ONLY POSSIBLE SOLUTION*
So? Aiming for an under-$350 solution right now. 40gb is fine, since I KNOW WAYS around implementing higher-capacity drives...