Oct 15, 2007 15:36
i am having a love affair with words, words you'll never read.
this journal's dead, it has been for a while now. its filled with empty, sometimes nonexistent emotion and thought. in a world where the line of reality and fiction is being blurred more and more everyday, i no longer feel like i have to contribute to such senselessness. i don't want to write what i feel will please you, move you or necessarily change you. that's what fiction is for, not a personal journal.
if i'm going to be fair, i feel compelled to tell you that this wasn't a complete fabrication by any standard. often times i would write exactly what i'm feeling and why. but all too often i found myself having to allude to the truth as opposed to writing it out plain and simple.
it kills me to do that.
for that reason, this journal which represents about 3 years of my adolescents will cease to exist. i won't close the account, set it to private or anything to that extent. who knows, perhaps one day i'll revisit and write another entry or two. and of course, i'll continue to keep an eye on my friends' various journals. :)
stay completely lovely,