Then I said "Oatmeal? ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

Mar 29, 2011 02:25

I really don't like this idea that LiveJournal is being abandoned for Twitter and Tumblr, although I know the fact that I post all day on mine is sort of just helping that come true.

It just really doesn't help that my f-list is so dead quiet compared to what I'm used to. Very little personal entries, and by that I just mean "not community posts" but just random whatevers from my friends.
Actually, it extends to most communities I'm on, too, granted I've pruned a lot of them (...but usually that was because they were dead) the one I know for a fact is still very much alive that I currently do not have on my friends list is honestly one I'm not too keen on adding back anytime soon, if ever. (doctorwho. Why go back there when I have wonderful friends on Tumblr who can talk about the show intelligently, constructively, civilly, and actively PREFER to talk this way instead of slinging mud and insults and saying writers or actors must die and most follow the "what canon?" philosophy I've taken with the show, even if it's merely to preserve sanity because trying to make everything match up in that show is futile and I hate it when people ruin mah buzz when they baww about the inherently wibbly-wobbly rules of time and space the show has?*)

I would really find it hard to believe that LiveJournal is "being weeded out by Internets natural selection" considering what restraints Twitter has and the fact that Tumblr has its own limitations due to being a fairly unique and therefore not tried and true format that is often glitchy or often just goes down. Basically it's like LiveJournal back in 2002 and 2003, when part of the advantage of getting a paid account was that you'd be put on higher priority servers and everything won't take for-freaking-ever to load. Except Tumblr hasn't made any features like that yet, when things get bogged, you just have to sit through error pages and wait for-freaking-ever.

Then again, I may just like LiveJournal better since it's pretty easy just to input regular old HTML and there's no fancy coding and honestly I've never been able to make the "Read More" feature work (sort of a LJ-cut) nor has the HTML editor ever let the edits I made in it STICK. I'm still very Tumblr-stupid in a lot of areas.

And I can't say anything about "Livejournal should be abandoned anyway it's getting pretty corrupted" 'cause, well, when do you have a day where you DON'T have controversy to read about some social networking site? (Either that or just Google. But that's another story.) Granted it's usually Faecbook, but that's what they get letting that movie be made, let's see, which would the media rather spill out dirt about: A site that even not-really-Internet-savvy people know because they at least heard vague murmurs of it because of a movie or some such (therefore, in this way, the media is allowed to be the first to plant opinions in their mind on the site before they even go there, they LOVE doing that), or a site that really just more geeky people know that most of the people in the real world don't know? Hmmm?

(I mean mum just got a laptop because she can now talk to her family on Skype AND NOW WITH A WEBCAM on Faecbook...YES THIS INCLUDES THE FAMILY IN THE BACKWATER PHILIPPINES, THAT'S THE BIG DEAL. My family is not in Manila or any of the heavy populated areas-- most are still in what is best described as the "backwater" islands where electricity was something new that came along in my own mum's childhood that she usually only saw otherwise when she went to the "big cities". YES I AM SERIOUS DO YOU REALISE THE WIDTH OF THE CULTURE GAP BETWEEN ME AND MY MUM NOW? But I digress.)

I have no idea where I'm going this.
I do know that I'm sorely tempted to make a new Twitter account JUST SO I CAN TALK TO SOME PEOPLE MORE, GAH. I didn't realise nuking my Twitter account would actually ISOLATE me from some people in some ways, jeeze. That's not fair at all.

I dunno what I'm talking about honestly I should go to bed before 3AM while I still can and maybe hope Spring Insomnia hasn't really started and yesterday was a fluke.

*Most people see the laws of time and space presented in Doctor Who as a strict, unchangeable canon that effects series after series, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, changey-wangey...STUFF.

friends, fandom

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