Feb 05, 2011 01:20

My brain hurts seriously something fierce; it's weird, although honestly I shouldn't be suprised since I found out I didn't take my morning meds yesterday (Thursday morning.) I've been trying to come off of the withdrawal from yesterday and thought I did until I tried to do some digital art. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I need some migraine meds.

Sucks, 'cause most of the week has been a wash for me, then. I hate that feeling. Well, okay, got a couple sketch commissions done, I'm wondering if one of the cool people I met on dA who said they'd give me info for a sketch commission a few days ago ASAP will get back to me soon, and...yeah. Trying to finish something I'm doing digitally just made my head hurt something fierce. Hopefully that's just for today and because of my med stupidity.

I really hope so, because I just realised Mardi Gras snuck up on me, which is understandable considering it's not exactly something I celebrate, being neither Catholic or from Louisiana. I just like BEADS. And drawing drunk jerkass dogs with beads and wearing fezzes and drinking beer. In other words, yes Virigina, I do still want to finish that "Charlie and Itchy drunk as skunks at Mardi Gras" pic I started almost a year ago, only now I'll have the fun of pointing out that hey, I just borrowed the fez Charlie's wearing from the original movie, that'd be pretty much the only reason I'd draw a fez with a WHITE tassle? (What? Seriously, I have never seen one like that. Of course, I never saw a tassle-less one until last June soooooo...)

(What? I could've sworn I did a scan of the original a year back but I'm not even finding it on my hard drive. Dammit.)
Yes, Charlie and Itchy are really bad dogs or at least SHOULD BE (>.>;;; MGM! *shakes fist*) but that's why I like them.

Small personal projects to finish within the end of next week:
-Drunk Charlie and Itchy at Mardi Gras
-My Hetherev interaction objects
-At least do the pencils for my second challenge comic for Herthev
-Finish MLP:FM Tinko.
-Whatever Terrible thing that is bound to pop into my mind NEXT WEEK

...That sounds like FULL ROSTER ALREADY...dammit...*slumps*

Random geekery I typed up earlier:
G'damn Second Empire needs like, a chapter menu or something. Not that it's a comic with chapters or arcs BUT SERIOUSLY IT'S 400 PAGES LONG NOW AND I'M TRYING TO FIND WHERE I LEFT OFF. (I follow this comic mainly because the writer was able to get me read more than 100 pages of a CG render comic that's all Daleks, all the friggen time within an hour or so, and those 100 pages were mostly a space battle what how do you make a SPACE BATTLE exciting and interesting in a WEBCOMIC? WITH ALL DALEKS? SERIOUSLY WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?! No really the creator/author deserves mad props for THAT ALONE; I mean, I don't even care for space battles in movies or TV. Initially that's why I never became a Trek fan like my father and instead ended up liking Doctor Who IN THE FIRST PLACE.)

(Seriously, my dad's summations on his early views on Doctor Who vs. Star Trek/Star Wars/oldskool Battlestar EPIC SPACESHIP BATTLE SHOWS WITH SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES A BUDGET!! shows when I asked him why if he WAS a fan in the 80's since he mentioned dropping by an oldskool Who con when he was in the Navy was there where he was stationed. No, really, that was the only reason. [I also now know where my ridiculously-sensitive-to-wool genes came from]: "I dunno, when I was a kid I was all 'AHH YEAH COOL SPACESHIPS FIGHTING IN SPACE GOING ALL VROOOM PHWOOOM KER-PLOOEY!' so when my friends talked about Doctor Who this wooden blue police box going around just didn't seem too appealing!" I know that's not all those shows are about, but as a kid, since that's what my father was MOST INTERESTED IN, that's kind of what I got taught "oh, that's what these shows are mainly about, rite?" WRONG. Your father is just like Jamie from Mythbusters and likes his BIG BOOMS.)

Also, it has some of the BEST BACKRONYMS EVER. (And heehee one of the ships looks like the ZOOM version of the ELO spaceship, aka the version most fans hate in comparison to the colourful OOTB version.)
I still haven't found where I left off. The browser window is still open on page 386. DAMMIT.

Too bad I seriously need to stop babbling and take some migraines meds and go to bed.

hetherev, adgth, comics, doctor who, art, my brain hates me, me and my dad are geeks

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