Daily sketch

Jan 06, 2011 02:02

Meant to do two today, but I guess I'll do two tomorrow. Or three, depending how far I'm behind now.

Man, my style has changed so much since I first drew this character I know one thing I'm gonna have to dump is the light lines below the eyes. Doesn't work as well as it did before!

Not a great sketch, another case of "first drawing of the day to get out the stupids" and also to try to get some ideas down for his wardrobe. I think this is as far as I can tone down his out-of-date clothing style when it comes to something I could really stand to draw him for his "modern garb." (Frills are not an option, that's for his old clothes.) That and did I mention I totally love vests? I can't believe a vest has never crossed my mind for him before. (It did for ME in elementary school as my "compromise for not wearing a proper dress but a skirt and a nice shirt for school pics" thing...and yes, I chose that for the compromise MYSELF, I was SO IN TOUCH WITH WHAT WAS IN STYLE BEFORE, JUST LIKE I AM NOW.)

Gah, need to do more work on all the UNP characters. I think Sue is the only one who I am sure is at the place I want her design-wise...

unp, concept art, sketches

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