Jan 05, 2011 00:29

Actually, only six pieces. And only two in ~colour.~ BUT STILL, THAT'S AMAZING FOR ME.

Ah, the things I love that never get attention. So goes the life of non-fanart I do nowadays. Seriously, though, an old-ish commission for champawat of Bagel fighting off the sentient machines with his SUPAR SOAKER. (FreeFall fans, yes, I totally stole the "carnivorous waffle iron" thing for this...IT JUST FIT TOO WELL.)

For those of you who don't go to dA, the full version of my header art with its own pea soup-looking background. And yeah, this is what I was whining about the other day about dA comments. CAN I JUST NOT TAKE A JOKE AT THE FACT THAT MATT SMITH WEARS RIDICULOUSLY ILL-FITTING PANTS IN AND OUT OF CHARACTER WITHOUT HAVING TO ANSWER STUPID QUESTIONS. I swear I did not get this many stupid comments before.

For those of you who don't get the joke, Matt Smith has a STUPID FAEC (well, not stupid, but it is just...weird...and when you've been trying as long as I have to draw it you learn just how weird it is) that is often compared to either a foot or a bent shoe. I figured a bent shoe would seem more on par with my "typical Julian randomocity" than him holding up a FOOT.

That hand is still bugging me but I drew it the other way around and it looked worse and even held my own shoe in front of a mirror (maybe that's why the shoe looks so small, I only have my shoes to hold up and I'm a freaking size 6. :x )

THE SAGA OF THE TINY NOTEBOOK IS FINALLY CONTINUING I meant to start it properly on Jan 1st but that just didn't happen so I'm just sort of in catch-up mode. So uhm...have a bunch of Troughton Twosday sketches.

Yeah you can tell what's my first drawing of the day! (Me, doing art before noon? What is this nonsense?) You really think I'd be over my obsession with airline security jokes after playing with them with my various robot characters (and J5) and my own metal CYBORG FOOT but no infinity pockets must also exploited for jokes.

Guys we're seriously lucky I don't stick a sign in place of ANY background saying "YOU ARE IN _______" when I'm lazy. (If you don't get the joke...don't ask.) And YES THAT IS A CLING SOUND EFFECT. Oh, and if you want to know why I ended up growing out my bangs, LOOK AT JAMIE'S. Yeah. And it wasn't adorkable on me, it just looked stupid.


I think I've already mentioned my love of this little bit in The Invaders. Unfortunately, it was a part that got burninated, but they tried to restore it in a crappy Flash animation form a la "Dreamland" except in b&w. Watching it today to try to get...whatever he's hitting the TARDIS console with was more painful than the first time, it was just SO BAD.

I blame my amusement at this bit squarely on my 90's childhood and mainly The Angry Beavers. (Mainly, the episode when they go to the beach and Daggy is trying to start up his jet ski, yelling "WORK, STUPID THING, WORK! EEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" Which I should note is how I yell at all of my computers when they aren't working for me, aka every day.) I think that was supposed to be a lever that broke off (remember, working off of a crappy Flash restoration) but it looks like he's taking an ice pick to the TARDIS. ARRRG.

I'm just gonna copypasta what I put in my Tumblr for this that description is less than an hour old so needless to say what I have to say about this hasn't really changed.

I’ve always found the Charlie Chaplin comparisons apt for Troughton’s Doctor; besides the “cosmic hobo” nickname, he seriously is one of my favourite Doctors in terms of non-verbal acting. Being able to express mood, atmosphere, character, and conflict without a single word uttered is pretty much an art forgotten by everyone but improv actors, silent movie enthusiasts, pikachuashnat, and animators or animator wannabes. (Gee, I wonder which I fall under.)

And no, I could not resist inserting a mobile phone in this. It may be an easy joke, but honestly, I’d be a fool to pass it up. (And also a fool to pass up the chance to draw such a blank durp face on Zoe.) STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL, YOU LOOK STUPID DOING IT.

I should really try to go to bed before 1AM and see if THEN I CAN WAKE UP AT A DECENT TIME. >.>;;; *slinks off to bed*

fanart, commissions, doctor who, sketches, art

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