What spare sketches I've done [ART POST]

Feb 10, 2010 18:11

BIG ART POST! Mostly just doofy sketches. Stuff for pocket_entropy, nqn, timali, and pikachuashnat within.

The only finished art...

Uhm...hm. How to explain this...there really isn't an explanation, other than Pan and I are talking again, and that means we're generating CRACK. He looks so domestic in that bathrobe!

Yes, I couldn't help but put in that the SAI- er, Saints won the Superbowl, and what can't be read is my little theory of how it happened: "Coach Facilier suspected of unethical tactics." THEY'RE THAT BAD, IT ONLY MAKES SENSE THEY ONLY WON BY VOODOO. (PROTIP: This joke makes a LOT more sense if you've seen The Princess and the Frog.)

(As for the cereal, no, it doesn't make any sense, you should just be happy I didn't go with Pan's "Life Cereal" pun. :| )


Moar of my "sitting around CiCi's bored" drawings. Vinci and his nutters parents. And yeh, no refs, so take it easy. Trying to get Mati's figure right is harder than I thought. :x

Stuff from around the same time. Someone call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAHMBLANCE on Vinci here. Actually, it's just way easier to draw a sad Vinci for me. Although the perky-eared Vinci on the right is pretty good (which I think I drew for the sole reason of drawing him with his ears up like a chihuahua.)

Randomness. I think I just drew Shady first because I love the way her design has been turning out as of late. A horrible attempt at Dakota and Lillian art, an oddly perky Charlie, and some life doodles of Lacey. She did not like to be drawn. She always seemed to know when I was peeking at her; even when her eyes were closed (she would wake up and move right away.) She was a pretty fluffball. :<

More randomness. Trying to remember how to draw my TLK characters! It's not going well! Plus, a random floating Pan head, the lion teacher from ASC, and probably one of the many aardwolf extras I had in the comic. (For some reason I kept on inserting aardwolves in the crowd shots. I dunno why.) Also, timali's insane lioness (Maya?) That's the only lion on the page I LIKE. XD

Poopy concept sketches for the more toon-styled Jerry I've been wanting to "switch" to lately. I had managed to draw her legs just the way I wanted to randomly while drawing in mahrkale's Christmas card! ...But I forgot again. Ah well. Proportions are pretty horrid here either way.

Last page of my sketchbook. Kind of stupid! And I was still struggling to draw my gryphs. Dakota really shouldn't be that much bigger. He may SEEM bigger, but it is all fluff, compared to Lindsay, whose feathers and coat are rather thin. Lindsay's only bigger by a little bit, as all female raptors should be.

First page of my new sketchbook. Nothing special, unlike how I usually come up with something unique or at least pretty. I just pretty much ended up using the page when waiting around at CiCi's. It's me! ...Sort of. My hair is being grown out again, yes. It's easier to put in ponytails when I work.

One of the TVs at CiCi's is always on Nick, so needless to say I see a lot of Spongebob. Sometimes weird things like this pop up as a result. Actually, I think this was based off one of the expressions from the movie. (TRUFAX: I was only able to tell it was from the movie because I remembered the icon of this very scene that I think buttfacemakani had and remembered the icon was from the movie. ...I recognized a movie because of an icon. HEE.)

I got lazy with the hands but let's face it Pan has paws and Lillian only has two fingers and a thumb so I was darned if I was gonna put in the effort to figure out how to draw that.

Trying to illustrate the feelings I get when listening to "Come and Follow Me." OBVIOUSLY IT'S A VERY SAPPY SONG FOR ME.

Pan and Lil dancin! That or Pan is demonstrating the law of centrifugal force for her. More music-induced pictures, this time with janked up proportions! Oh well. JUST LOOK AT PAN'S FACE AWWWW.

I think we got it all here! Nothing brilliant...but iiiiinteresting, I hope.

I HAS AN ORANGE SODA! mwuahahahahahhahah

tlk, crack, robots, art, friends, legacy, late night stupids, short circuit, my stupid characters, omg you stupid fangirl, gift art, sketches, fanart, i love tags, pan and i are dorks, picspam, inside jokes are rad

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