Jan 10, 2010 17:07

Dear gosh I just...I don't even...why can't people commission me to draw things OTHER than DOGS DOGS DOGS. Oh, I'm sorry, WOLVES. I keep on looking at my roster of recent icon commissions and it's CANINE CENTRAL. I...I know this is whiny and mean and doesn't gain me any brownie points but I guess this is why I'm saying it behind a friends-lock.

It's not even as if all I draw IS dogs...left to my own devices I would draw robots, birds, and gryphons all day. And blue space kitties. (NO, not blue smurfy cats...Pan is the only blue space kitty I trust.) And now more and more lately, PEOPLES. I only have one main character in ASC who's a canine (Josh), and in "Legacy" overall it adds just ONE more. Oh well, I guess the ADGTH fanart doesn't help, but darnit, I love that movie and it doesn't have much good fanart and it seems there are people out there that WANT to see fanart for that movie, sooo...yeah. But I figure it doesn't show much if all I do that's anywhere near close to "finished" work is commissions. But I guess it kind of gets hard especially with things like icons because usually my examples are previous commissions and guess what, they are usually...CANINES!

Actually, I know this isn't just me. Guys, do you know when I want to commission an icon, I have to look REALLY HARD to find someone whose birds and gryphons I like to draw Dakota? I basically have Jerry now just for artists who I REALLY REALLY want to commission but are only good at canines. So many icon artists....and most of them specialize in canines....no WONDER I'm getting mostly canines, myself, because I'm advertising in the same places. D:

And yes, I know it's too much to ask for to get people to pay me to draw robots but lately I've been having people say they love my burds. Doode, guys with bird characters, I know how hard it is to find people who will draw birds! But I will draw them for you!

Though that doesn't really mean much because besides the commissions I already have on my plate the only new ones I'm taking are small ones like icons, usually only if I post an entry to teenycom or something. But my point still stands. I am useful for more than canine drawings!

Oh gosh don't mind this bitching and whining I just needed to get it off my chest so I could draw some canine icons without smoldering in these thoughts too much. If this works, anyway. *siiiiiiiiiigh*

EDIT: Oh shit my the pressure sensitivity on my tablet isn't working okay reboot better fix this

EDIT2: And guys, I don't want this to become my yearly "Julian gets aggravated and becomes an unholy bitch" post, because I'm not really intending to offend anyone here. I know a lot of you have dog-head-people characters. I do too! But you guys know what it's like to be bored of drawing the same thing, right?

commissions, stupid rant, everything is a dog, art

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