Scored some epic yarn at Savers today!
6 skeins of vintage Caron Dazzleaire ombres~ it's too dark right now to take photos so I'm linking to whatever I can find haha...
--1 skein
Dazzling Lemons ombre (far right)
--2 skeins
Dazzling Oranges ombre (also in the above link)
--3 skeins
~*mystery*~ green/blue ombreThe yellow ombre was the only one with a label, so looking up actual colorway names is a pain, sigh... vintage yarn is complicated! (SO PRETTY THOUGH you guys, looking through all the stashes makes me wish so hard that they still made ombres, I'd kill for some of the blue cranberry...)
Anyway I am pretty excited and I want to make gloves out of ALL OF THEM they are so soft and pretty <333