Lady D got me started

Feb 26, 2004 19:30

I see lj as the best way I have of being "in the same room with" many of the folks whose ideas I am interested in. I often I find my self wanting the input of others on a given subject, not for social reasons (like affirmation from others or whatever) but because they know things I don't, and think in ways I don't. Or know things I don't and think in ways I do.

Also, I'm always rolling ideas around that hover at the edge of coherence, and somethimes they show up in particularly lucid form (that muse thing), and if I can get them written down and tossed out where at least some of the folks whose input I wish for can see them, at least I'll have managed a somewhat coherent rendition of what I'm really thinking about and trying to describe. (As opposed to my all-too-typical trailing off into frustration when the words just won't fit the idea that's bouncing around in my brain wanting to play. I'm working on being more coherent in person, too, but, well, it comes and it goes, you know?)
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