Reality Intervenes

Jul 09, 2005 10:22

Cut to save the sensibilities of people who get bored by housekeeping posts. Involves "Just Another Irish Rose", the MOPethon fic, Hurricane Dennis, and the Perversity of Things in General.

1. The next chapter of Rose is finished, and in the hands of my wondrous and essential beta, mcamason who is, alas, in the path of Hurricane Dennis and busy nailing plywood over windows. We are taking advantage of this twist of fate to excuse ourselves from posting today.

2. The first 4500 words or so of the MOPethon fic are finished, and will be posted here Monday morning in a heavily revised but probably unbetaed form; this means, in real terms, that there will be more punctuation errors than usual and possibly some problems with me implying the polar opposite of what I mean to suggest. The second part will be posted Wednesday, I hope and trust.

3. Holding Chapter 47 of "Rose" in reserve and posting it Tuesday frees me from having to switch my mental processes from November 1867 to 2005 and back twice in four days, which is a good thing as I think I pulled something doing it yesterday.

4. Hi, Moons!

5. You'd think, after living with her for four calves in a row, I'd be used by now to the idea that Angelica's udder is basically the size of the rest of her body when she's ready to calve, but nooooooo...

6. This would have been up earlier, but I was sitting here working on my first cup of placebo when the lights went out and stayed out for two hours, and then the modem had to be reset. Fate is cruel.

Julia, thinking seriously of going back to bed and starting the whole day over again
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