(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 06:38

Well I looked it up on catholic.com. I wish they had that website when I was a kid. There are so many things that my gradeschool never told us, and told us what was wrong. THey weren't very positive, but I have heard the church has changed over the years which is why I am willing to return.
We have to go to a baptism class next week. There's a very good chance he can be baptized on one of the Christmas masses. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the midnight one- that is if we can get the godparents to be there at that time. I don't know why, but it is so important for me to have him baptized at that time during Christmas. You'd think I wouldn't care when. I guess you can never explain mother's instinct.
I just found out last night that my daughter's father has been talking crap to her. He's been telling her that my husband is not her "real" dad and that he is a "step-dad" and that she should call him by his name. He keeps saying that over and over and over until she relents in. He is such a brow beater. That's what he used to do to me which is why we're not together anymore. I refused to put up with that sort of psychological abuse and refused to let her grow up in it. Unfortunately, she has to get a taste of it and because she's so young still, it affects her dramatically. She cried herself to sleep the other night because of it. She told me, "Mommy, my father is not very nice. I don't think he likes daddy. That's my daddy. I don't want to call him *name*." I told her she could call him whatever she liked and that I would support her. She asked me if I could call her father and yell at him. I told her I wouldn't, but next time we went to see Dr., we would figure out how to make it better. She was so upset at school, her tummy was upset and the teachers noticed she wasn't her normal bubbly self. Now she has to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with him and I know she'll come back screwed up. And there's nothing I can do about it. I'm thinking of recording all of her phone calls just so the psychologist can hear exactly what he's telling her so she can more effectively help her. I don't know what to do anymore. He lies to me and beats her down. I guess he's moved on to her because I won't let him do that to me anymore.
Oops, I'm being paged. the little baby, LAUGH, big baby, is so cute and cuddly to hold. He does have quite the personality.
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