Oct 17, 2005 21:46
I don't want to talk to anyone.
I don't want anyone to talk to me.
I don't want anyone to ask me any more fucking questions.
It didn't happen to me.
I don't believe it.
But she's my friend, therefore whether I believe it or not, I will support her. What if it is true and I didn't believe her? Something worse could happen. What if it's not true. How can it be true? I can't believe that it's true. It's just not right. Nothing about this whole situation is. I just want to help. I just want to do the right thing.
But what if the right thing means something incredibly worse?
What if you lose someone, or more than one someone, because of it?
What if you lose a different someone, or more than one someone, because you stayed on that side?
What if you want to cover your ears and scream, "La la la la la la" until it's all over with?
This is serious.
But, as I'm getting mocked for and getting people mad at for, I'm not at liberty to say.
I don't want to spread rumors.
I don't want to get anyone in trouble. I love both parties involved. What then?
This situation is going to divide the school. In half.
I can't rip myself in two. I'm either one way, or I'm the other.
But which way am I?
I'm neither. I'm neutral. I want to support my friends. I want to be there for my other friends.
It's so fucking crazy. I don't believe it.
I don't believe this is happening.
I never believed this would... or could... ever happen.
"I hate you, you hate me, we're now a split family..."
The Barney song takes on a whole new context.
One half of the school will hate the other half. And vice versa.
"Concord, Concord, Concord, Concord: Concord means peace, harmony; peace in the world begins with me. I am honest, unselfish, kind, considerate, generous, forgiving, respectful. Concord!"
That's my school.
That's not what's going on right now.
Rumors are being spread.
Deceit is filling minds.
Stupid ass people are saying things that are not fucking true.
Who believes what? Who really knows what to believe? No one.
And that's the problem.
This could get bad. This could get very bad... wait, what the fuck am I saying? This already is very bad.
I think I'm going to go down some aspirin to get this pounding in my head to stop.
And then I'm going to sleep.
Hopefully until this fucking nightmare passes.