Wishful To-Do List

Dec 30, 2012 15:25

I want the time and money to:

Cook more from scratch
Join a vegetable, fruit, meat, andor dairy CSA
Grow vegetables and herbs
Get my private pilot's certification
Knit more
Take a sewing course to learn all the basics I am ignorant of
Sew more
Learn quilting
Practice piano
Practice horn
Join a community band/symphony/orchestra
Take a Thai cooking class
Organize my mp3 collection
Keep the sink from becoming full of dirty dishes
Roomba the living room more regularly
Keep my desk area clean
Exercise more
Play more Dance Central and Rock Band
Read more books, both fun (sci-fi/fantasy) and educational (Great Books)
LARP regularly
Write a LARP
Volunteer for cons I like (Arisia, Intercon)
Be more involved in politics/community
Take a vacation out of the country
Take more vacations that aren't cons/meetups
Go on a cruise
Go skiing

adulthood, memories, introspective, money

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