I woke up and decided to ignore my alarm clock since I hadn't slept well and I need sleep *desperately* but then I checked my mails / facebook / twitter - updates and I couldn't go back to sleep because lovely
caesaria was so excited about the new episode of glee... Well there's always coffee ;)
Uh... I'm a sucker for weddings. I'm a sucker for romantic moments ... ah hell I'm a sucker for pretty much any emotional scene. My friends always tell me how much they admire my ability to emphasize so much with everyone. But to be honest... sometimes I wish I wouldn't. It's exhausting. But anyway :) We're not going to change that now, are we? ;)
I love Burt Hummel. He's such a great dad. Don't get me wrong of course I adore moms and dads like Debbie in QaF who are all about "My son is gay and I knew it before he did and I'm so proud I'll tell everyone" - but I admire parents who struggle with the news but eventually come around and tell their kids: It's okay. I still love you. That always gets to me. So this whole wedding was heartbreaking beautiful. And Finn? Well... usually he's really annoying me but the song for Kurt was pure ♥♥♥ Maybe I should start to give him more credit for what he's doing and how he's changing into a young man... can't be easy... anyway...
I love how Rachel went to Finn - then remembered that it wasn't her turn and started laughing before she lead Kurt over to her boyfriend... I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the script and should be an outtake ♥♥
While I'm glad that Puck didn't punch Karofsky ... felt off :) But oh Puck! "Like the Secret Service?" ♥♥
Kurt leaving? :( I mean I guess we're about to see Klaine but ... don't go :( I know it's easy to say but I don't think that running is ever the right thing to do. And *yes* I know what I'm talking about.... anyway. God I felt with Mercedes. Sure everyone else too but mostly with her. Ah and I cried of course ;) (But: the way Kurt turns to Will for help when Sue says she can't do anything for him? Aw!)
Ah and Sue! She's great and while I was hoping there would be more Figgins... now I'm kinda sad *g* I really loved her in this episode. Sue & her sister are wonderful together. And the dress really *did* rock! :D And porcelain is a cute nickname for Kurt ;)
Last but never least: Schuester! God! Please sing at my wedding.. although since you'd be the husband ... maybe we'll get Puck to sing. But oh ... that was just ... yeah... you know *g* And I'm saying it one more time: I just love how much he cares about "his" kids.
Ah btw: still not read any major spoiler about glee... I'm so proud of myself. :)
Okay... NCIS is next. I'm a bit nervous about that one but *squeeeeee* Tony!! ;)