"Model behavior" - NCIS 3x11.. I've seen it once and then never again *g* Well.. we're about to change that ;)
- If I'd got woken up from that sound I'd kill my self on day two
- She looks like.. ah I don't know.. someone I've seen before.
- Oh.. looks like they found their missing girl? Nice.
- Jenny. That's right. Season three.
- *lol* Gibbs gets a medal. Ah... or not. ♥
- "It's called a pixie" - while I was never sure if I liked Jenny or not - I still love the pixie cut ♥♥♥
- Go Tony!! Aw god Tony... One day you'll get one too.
- Hey! Don't cut him off! He had a speech :( :(
- Jenny. Gibbs. Jibbs. Hmm.. I don't know. Yeah I mean.. sure.. but.. nooooo.. ah! I like them together don't get me wrong.. but... I don't see a lot of .. well .. love going around.. anyway...
- "Tony has your award." - "He can keep it".. and we all know.. he does. *sigh*
- Forget it.. he'll never mention your new haircut... you don't have to mention the word "change" that often
- Gibbs and the press... Uh oh!
- Why isn't it surprising that Tony knows this model - show?
- Hm.. Paris Hilton.. Ziva dreams about a night in Paris... Ziva you don't get it :D :D She's so cute when she's clueless and Tony's making fun of her.
- Aaaaaaaaah! They spilled his coffee! E.M.E.R.G.E.N.C.Y!!! Everybody out!!! Go!! Safe yourself!!
- Moved the body. Stay at your safe place. We'll call you when it's safe to cross his path again.
- Okay.. Tony I'm sorry but that one is your own fault. You can't tell Gibbs you know the show and you'd like to interview them (interrupting him by the way)... and think he's going to play along. Have fun interviewing the models you hate so much, Ziver ;)
- "The Big D?" Just how big are we talking about DiNozzo? ;) Sorry... uhm...
- Okay.. I think it's official.. Ziva doesn't like models ;)
- "Small water buffalo"... "water buffalo?"... somehow I think that one's ad lib ;) Nicely done though *ggg* "I'm tired of saying little horse" :D
- Jenny looks pissed. Hey! He didn't say that! Okay he did.. but.. not as an answer to that question
- Hm.. maybe there is some Jibbs.. "you're saying you don't believe me?" does he sound hurt? no.. more annoyed but still.... hm
- I wouldn't call death *not* being life changing though Jen... just saying.. But I like that she's not afraid to stand up to him...
- He'd like to ask the reporter to dinner.. right :D
- Tony wondering about Jibbs... Cagney and Lacey.. what the hell Tony? :D Michael? Whoever ggg
- Abby and lots of cookies...
- Oh god not a new assistent for Abby... looool Gibbs making a joke and smiling about it.. more of that!!! ♥♥
- Who?! :D more smiling from Gibbs! ♥♥♥
- Ah...right.. there's still a plot and a case.. focus again
- Tony in a coat again .. but not the one I love (coat... there's just one Tony and I do love him)
- That sergeant is... uah.. creepy and.. hey.. what's Ziva drinking? :D
- Ziva! Be kind! Just because you don't like models you don't have to bite the dad's head of :D
- "Berry-Mango-Madness?" Ziva!? You're more American than I thought :D lol... of course you're a fan Tony...
- Very young McGee. I liked him back then and I really love him now. He's grown so much.
- In two out of three episodes they knock on someones door.. and that someone is lying dead in there... found by one of the team members through the window or door.... fascinating..
- "Nobody likes getting dumped by postal express" - How would you know Gibbs? You never got a "Dear John"..
- What was that look when Jenny said "relationships change? some people don't know when to let go".. I mean there was something.. but what?! I'd still like to know what Jenny had planned to write Gibbs in that last letter of hers...
- Awwwwww Abby and the black roses for "almost" sending Tony to prison! God these two are killing me. Kiss. Hug. Do something ♥♥
- "Just say that you don't hate me" - "I could never hate you".. Aww.. who could hate Abby? I mean seriously...
- Palmer ♥♥ Just stop while you're ahead :D
- I could listen to Ducky for hours.. ♥ His voice, his accent, his laugh... ah just him
- Elf lord for the first time ♥ Oh McGee.. never mind... they're just jealous...
- Okay that laugh from MW was definitely ad lib... *laughing so hard* God how I love him...
- McGee and DiNozzo are a great team. There is no such thing as bromance between them as far as I'm concerned but pure and simple ... deep friendship ... and somehow I admire this more than anything else between two guys
- So this model was in love with the ex boyfriend of the other one... nice ;)
- Again - Jibbs vibes.. but not convincing.. but also not to be ignored... "You don't trust me?!" Flashback ♥♥♥ "Of course I trust you"... Okay.. Jibbs... You're on ♥
- Wow Ziva! That's really close to Gibbs' face. You know it's not easy to see Jibbs and the next second there's a hint of Zibbs.. that's a lot of Gibbs!Love for me.. well.. on the other hand... too much Gibbs!Love - no such thing ;) (But sorry guys.. there's just one perfect match for Gibbs as far as I'm concerned... ;) And there he is...
- Oh :) Ziva "performs" interrogation ♥ Without any pain for the suspect, hopefully ;)
- I would stop talking about girls not dating marines Tony .. in front of Gibbs that is.. ;) (especially with you dating one) .. Ah .. saved by the bell...
- That suspect is nervous as hell, that's for sure...
- No matter what combination of ingredients Abby is talking about.. Gibbs somehow *always* knows that it is.. :D
- Aw Tony is there to rescue Ziva... Nice of him.. but that's what you do for colleagues...
- "She was throwing her life away".. hm.. and that from her father who killed her...
- Tony has to restrain Ziva from hurting that model :D
- Aw.. the award... "I'll get rid of it..." Right Tony ;) (Did Gibbs ever find out about these awards? I guess but I'm not sure)
Nice episode :)