Gakked this quiz from
spikewriter, who BTW writes some great Spuffy and Spike stories at
Missives from the Hellmouth. Thanks to Caro for the quiz and her stories, such as "Seven Years in the Desert" and "Secrets and Lies".
Indulgence is not a bad word as far as you're
concerned, your confidence in being yourself is
what matters more than all that.
The most loyal of friends and always good fun to be
around, everyone needs someone like you in
their life.
Which Pooh character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Yep, this sounds like me :-) Although if I had come up as Tigger, I would have been really happy too. Tigger has always been my favorite Pooh character.
Anywho, looking forward to playing at NOMAD this weekend. Excited and nervous, actually. I am rehearsing with Lisa shortly, as we are playing tomorrow night at the festival, and I had a rehearsal with Bill last night - he and Fran and I are playing both tomorrow and Sunday for dance workshops. Coolness.
Also have to make some cookies today to take to the church fair, which I will miss tomorrow because of NOMAD. Can't be everywhere, can I?
Looking forward to hearing about the big "surprise" at Moonlight Rising - hoping they are able to retain the Fernwood as the venue. Also hoping that the surprise is that James will be there.
That'st about it for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend.