Sep 01, 2005 01:13
Try this: Without using their names, say something to ten people that you would never say to their face, or that you wish you had said to them.
I dated you. You lied. Involes your brother & you mom? hahaha. I really love you, and I miss you. Because you were the greatest thing in my life. & I bet everyone else is going to know who you are, but you..
You smell bad. You live in Nicholson. Your initals are M.E.S. You're always there for me. You're gorgeous. You think that I think you're a liar. umm.. "Cunt Crispies." HAHAHA<3
You're the BIGGEST liar I know. You're not pretty. You don't know how to keep friends & you're never happy with ANYONE or ANYTHING that ANYONE does. You think because you buy name brands, you're cool. You think because your friends are in bands, you're cool. But I buy name Brands & I have probably 50 more friends than you who are in bands, & I don't think I'm cool, the way you do. So, you better change things, because someday you're going to lie to the wrong person. & personally I hope that person is a hitman. ;)
You go to my school. You're in my FRENCH class. You'er a very pretty girl. & the SWEETEST at that. You got these sweet new glasses. & you're one person I know I can trust.
You one of the loverly sisters that I spent the whole summer with. You've got an awesome boyfriend & a smelly job at as a dishwashers. lol. We've goen to parties, snuck out,& so much more. Best of times. Love you.
This one's going to be short, because few words sum it up: The most beautiful girl that I know, The bestfriend I could ever ask for.
Ahh, my drinking partner! We go through all the same problems & I'm glad we can help eachother out!! <3 I can't wait to hang out with you.
The other sister.. lol. You introduced me to my new favorite movie. & you saw me cry over it. CRAZY drunk, LMAO<3 Just randomly lifting your skirt, and peeing right where you're standing. <3 god i love you.
You. You were one person I was ABSOULTE INFATUATED with & still am. You're in college. & you're never online so you won't see this. But, you're in a band & you're a drummer. You wear RAD eyeliner. & we wrote eachother when I was in Ca<3 I miss you. & I love you.
My lunch friend. =) The most athletic, and smart person I know. A total sweetheart. & such a FOX! I don't have any classes with you this year, but we have LUNCH! oh and PE.. ew. <3 Yes, & Triplets run in your family. lol =D
_ I have so many more.. but I'll do it again in like a week with different people. EVERYONE guess who everyone is. lol -- Not just who you are <3 love.