Sydney visit!

Apr 05, 2009 08:54

So I'll be in Sydney for the week from Easter Monday and Leura on the following weekend, with astolat and kaneko. I'm not sure if there's any specific fannish planned activity yet, but if you're interested in catching up and haven't already commented on astolat's post, drop one over there, or here, or whatever!

In other RL news, I'm in a new job for three months, and it's one of the best places I've ever worked, and I love love love what the work is, even though it's occasionally head-explodey and bewildering and daunting. Now I just have to get more work there when my three months is up, and avoid having to go back to my permanent job, which is pretty much hands down the worst place I ever worked. (Man, if you've ever had your dream job at your worst nightmare workplace, that's what my permanent job is. Soul-destroying head-fucking torture.) Giving up a permanent job in a gigantic global recession, however, is something I could come to regret very bitterly. So the job front is going to be a bit nerve wracking until I know what's happening.

In fannish news, Leverage owns me (and brown-betty's Leverage threesome-ing owns me), I just watched the Kings pilot (which, holy fuck, that was like a ten course banquet of a television drama), I am being pimped hard on Generation Kill, and when I read any fanfic these days, it's pretty much still Merlin. Mostly I've been doing the book thing a bit more, trying to get through my embarrassingly large (and continuously growing!) pile of books I own but haven't read. So far nothing is inspiring enough that I want to post about it, which is probably why they were in the unread pile to begin with. *g*
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