Let me take you down... because i'm going down...

May 21, 2005 00:34

"to..... strawberry fields."

Ahh, the beatles. Magical Mystery Tour is so excellently excellent.

nihilisticidol: dude, what's your favorite beatles album?
afrillypinkdress: anything made by mcartney over lennon!
afrillypinkdress: hahahaha
nihilisticidol: dude, i'll kill you
afrillypinkdress: haha not at joanns you wont
nihilisticidol: basically paul boy said he came up with the entire idea behind magical mystery tour but the only two really good songs are written by.... who?... johnny boy
afrillypinkdress: well hmm seeing as johnny boy is dead, umm lets see mcartney just might be allowed to have credit for all beatles albums ever made!
nihilisticidol: dude, you will die
nihilisticidol: strawberry fields will attack you
nihilisticidol: followed by a lennon-walrus effigy
afrillypinkdress: hahahaha
nihilisticidol: i mean, penny lane, fuck penny lane
afrillypinkdress: hahaha
nihilisticidol: it just has to mess up the awesome presence of strawberry fields that precedes it

So, comment on your favorite Beatle, Beatle album, Beatles song. Then I can argue with you endlessly over the matter.
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