Just a reminder to enter our Hunger Games themed challenge! We have one amazing entry so far but we would always like to see more! Deadline for this challenge is December 7th by 5pm GMT.
CHALLENGE 006: COME AND GET IT We currently only have one lovely entry so far, so keep those icons coming in! Deadline for this challenge is November 16th by 5pm GMT.
CHALLENGE 004: ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN There's only been one entry so far and if we don't get any more we'll have to extend the challenge another week so please get those icons in! You have one more day. Also, if you've got suggestions for challenges please head over here and drop us a comment
Deadline for this challenge is November 2nd by 5pm GMT
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CHALLENGE 004: ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN There aren't any entries so far but you still have a few days to submit, so please get those icons in! Deadline for this challenge is November 2nd by 5pm GMT.