Assignments Out & Initial Pinch Hits

Apr 13, 2018 21:22

Assignments are out! You can find yours on your AO3 page. If yours doesn't seem to match what you offered, please email me at General questions welcome too. If you'd like me to ask your recipient to unlock their letter, or have a question about their prompts, please wait until the 15th.

Pinch hits #1-#6 (all claimed now, thanks!) are below the cut. They, and your assignments, are due at 11:59pm EDT Sunday 27 May (see what time that is in your time zone).

To claim a pinch hit, you can either reply to this post (comments are screened) or email

Pinch Hit #1 for dawnstonedagger - CLAIMED
Request 1 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
Watch Fire - Laura Veirs ft. Sufjan Stevens (Song)

Request 2 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
High Ticket Attractions - The New Pornographers (Music Video)

Request 3 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
Carin at the Liquor Store - The National (Song)

Request 4 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
Hug of Thunder - Broken Social Scene (Song)

Request 5 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
Happy Birthday Johnny - St Vincent (Song)

Request 6 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
I Ain't The One - Spoon (Song)

Request 7 by inanotherworld (dawnstonedagger)
Up All Night - Beck (Music Video)

Pinch Hit #2 for DesertVixen - CLAIMED
Request 1 by DesertVixen
The Ride - David Allan Coe (Song)

I love ghost story songs and vanishing hitchhikers, and this one hits it. What happens to the singer?


Request 2 by DesertVixen
Riding with Private Malone - David Ball (Song)

I love ghost story songs - tell me about Private Malone or the driver.


Request 3 by DesertVixen
Why Does It Have to Be (Wrong or Right) - Restless Heart (Song)

So this is totally a feuding families type of song, or lovers who are somehow trapped on opposite sides. (If you're into GI Joe cartoon fandom at all, this is Mainframe/Zarana all the way). Would love to have some sort of social event that the song plays into?


Request 4 by DesertVixen
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia - Reba McEntire (Song)

I love the video but ignore it - tell me about the song's events, or the lead up to the events.


Pinch Hit #3 for gamerfic - CLAIMED
Request 1 by gamerfic
Became - Atmosphere (Song)

One of the more popular interpretations of this song holds that it's about watching a friend be lost to addiction, but I'm most interested in a more literal take on its imagery and themes. The narrator thinks that their friend has become a wolf and seems to view it as an entirely negative outcome, but is that really all that's going on? Does their friend know something they don't know? Maybe the friend had to become a wolf to keep a terrible secret, or even to protect the narrator, or for some other reason entirely...


Request 2 by gamerfic
The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton - The Mountain Goats (song)

The thing I love about this song is how much story it packs into so few words, and how much it makes me care about Jeff and Cyrus. So tell me, what happens to them in the space beyond the song? What is Jeff's "plan to get even," and how do he and Cyrus put it into practice after Cyrus gets out of the school? How do the two of them use music and their friendship to heal and to support each other during the rest of their lives? If you wanted to write something shippy for Jeff/Cyrus I would totally be down for that too!


Request 3 by gamerfic
The Curse - Josh Ritter (Song)

I'm most interested in a story that sticks with a fairly literal interpretation of this song's narrative about an archaeologist falling in love with a mummy. Something post-canon would be great, showing me how the mummy deals with his newfound fame and how his doomed romance with the archaeologist affects him in his future. Or you might elaborate on some of the moments in their relationship that the song alludes to. Show me one of their late-night museum dates, or her reaction to his initial awakening on the ship, or how they might have spent her last days together. Fluffy, sweet, angsty, whatever!


Request 4 by gamerfic
Merlin - Kathy Mar (Song)

There is so much going on in this song and I'm fascinated by all the different stories implied in the lyrics. I'd love to get some background on the narrator/Merlin figure: Who are they really, and how did they end up involved with Arthur? What was their relationship with Arthur like? What finally led Arthur to decide that they were so dangerous they had to be sealed away? And how does Guinevere fit into all of this? I'm equally curious about the time frame immediately after this song, when the workers open up Merlin's tomb and rediscover what was buried. What happens when Merlin is once again released into the (presumably modern-day) world?


Request 5 by gamerfic
Night of the Swallow - Kate Bush (Song)

The narrator of this song seems to see herself as preventing someone she cares about from getting involved with a dangerous and illegal plan that is doomed to failure, but what if that's not all that's going on? Maybe the pilot isn't only taking a risk because they want to find a thrill they're lacking in life, but because they feel strongly about whatever the secret flight is trying to accomplish and they want to do the right thing. Or it might just be a crime story; that's cool too! Regardless, I'd love to know what happens on the titular "night of the swallow," whether the plan succeeds or fails, and how it affects these characters and their relationship. A science fiction interpretation of this story might also be really cool, if your muse takes you there.


Pinch Hit #4 for Lilliburlero - CLAIMED
Request 1 by Lilliburlero
The Hole - Jake Thackray (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Request 2 by Lilliburlero
I Stayed Off Work Today - Jake Thackray (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Request 3 by Lilliburlero
Marieke - Jacques Brel (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Request 4 by Lilliburlero
Le port d'Amsterdam - Jacques Brel (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Request 5 by Lilliburlero
J’ai vu le loup le renard chanter (Traditional Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Pinch Hit #5 for psychomachia - CLAIMED
Request 1 by psychomachia
Varúð - Sigur Rós (Music Video)

I love the mystery of this - the song itself is wonderfully cryptic but then the video adds an extra layer. We have a translation of the Morse Code they're using in the video, but who are they saying this to? Where do they all come from? Why do the lights brighten and go towards the sky? The lyrics and the snow at the screen hint they're somewhere cold, but is it a place that's on Earth or somewhere else? There's just so much to explore.


Request 2 by psychomachia
Running to the Sea - Röyksopp (Song)

I love the melancholy, fantastical nature of the lyrics, so something exploring that would be wonderful. What happened to the singer and what's their connection to the sea? Are they human or some other type of creature? It's got a very end of the world type feeling, so are they trying to save a loved one or have they already failed? Who are the creatures howling and rushing to the person's car?

DNWs: No references to current/past historical events (there's discussion in the lyrics link about the background to this song).


Request 3 by psychomachia
Zombie Christmas - Emmy the Great and Tim Wheeler (Song)

Honestly, the video for this is pretty great as well, but it's a little too self-contained, so I'd love your own interpretation of a "zombie Christmas." How did the zombie plague start and who became infected? Shoppers? Elves? Santa? Are there actually angels singing about the horde and if so, why aren't they doing anything about it? Who is the narrator and do they make it out alive?


Request 4 by psychomachia
Skeletons in My Closet - Kris McKay (Song)

I love the old school nightclub feeling of this song - I could picture some sort of supernatural femme fatale singing about her misbegotten life in this song. What has she been doing with the 48 years she's singing about? It could be a metaphor for lies and secrets, but what if the bones she's keeping in her house were quite real and troublesome? It's just such a jazzy song about lying to people and I love it.


Request 5 by psychomachia
You Are the Generation That Bought More Shoes & You Get What You Deserve - Johnny Boy (Music Video)

I get a really interesting Fahrenheit 451/V for Vendetta type vibe from this video about a group of young people spreading resistance messages while the society is trying to ignore/silence them. Maybe the main singer has a double life - singing for a living in the day time and running around trying to wake people up at night. Who is the man in the bar? Does she know him at first or is he someone she's targeted?


Request 6 by psychomachia
Saturn - Sleeping At Last (Song)

I was so glad someone nominated this - it's such a beautiful song with so many possibilities. I would love an exploration of the relationship that inspired this - it seems so profound and lovely and yet deeply tinged with sadness. Honestly, it reminds me of something like Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan - a love that looks at the cosmos, at the infinite and ancient, but still finds something precious in the most ephemeral of things. So anything being written about the singer and who they're singing to would be wonderful.

Pinch Hit #6 for SegaBarrett - CLAIMED
Request 1 by SegaBarrett
Domino - Genesis (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

This is my favorite song of all time and I'd love to see some explanation for WTF is going on here. When I was a kid and first heard this song, I thought it was about Evil Dead. Others have posited that it is about nuclear war. But if you can somehow work a horror movie vibe, whether explicit or implied, into the story, that would be awesome!

Request 2 by SegaBarrett
Silver Rainbow - Genesis (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

This is such a weird, awesome song. Is this song about sex? Drugs? Dying? All three? What is the "silver rainbow" and why do dating couples seem to end up there?

Request 3 by SegaBarrett
Dreaming While You Sleep - Genesis (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

What has been going on for the narrator ever since he ran over the woman? How has she been haunting him? Does he ever turn himself in, or does she haunt him until he dies (does he kill himself)? I could also ship the narrator and ghost woman if you wanted to go that route.

Request 4 by SegaBarrett
The Wall - Kansas (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

What decision is the person making in this song? They seem satisfied with the decision in the end - how did they come to it?

Request 5 by SegaBarrett
Gehenna - Slipknot (Song)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

I love the atmosphere of this song. What is going on here - it seems to be another of Slipknot's "obsession" themed songs. What drew these people together, or is it a person and something else? What role does the place of Gehenna play, if anything?

Request 6 by SegaBarrett
Say You'll Haunt Me - Stone Sour (Music Video)
Fanart, Fanfic

Likes: Fluff, BDSM, angst, fluffy animals, humor, darkfic, pregnancy, cute babies, cute baby animals, angst

Dislikes/DNWs: animal death, ants, child abuse, abortion, eye trauma, bad things happening to disabled people

I love this music video, and I'd like to know the story behind it - who is this woman? Why is she tying Corey to a chair in the first place? What is going on here, basically? Corey can be Corey or somebody else, I'm not picky :D

#2, #1, 2018, pinch hits, #6, #5, #3, #4

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