Last day of sign-ups (?)

Apr 11, 2018 16:23

Sign-ups close at ADJUSTED 3:00AM EDT April 13, or at 7:00AM UTC April 13.

Here's the countdown.

Please make sure your offers match at least one request! You can see the requests on AO3 or in the updated list on this community.

We currently have 47 sign-ups, which is a perfectly good number with which to run the exchange. However, I'm a little puzzled, because it's lower than average - whereas the tag set is far, far bigger.

Should I extend sign-ups another day - would that affect anyone positively?

ETA I am going to extend sign-ups for 27 hours past what I originally said, partly because of slightly odd (but not problem-causing) numbers, and partly because the way my work schedule falls this week, it's going to be a lot easier to send assignments the day after. The countdown is updated. I apologise to anyone who was just hoping to get their assignment soon. I hope it is excellent when it comes.

sign-ups, 2018

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