Pinch Hits #1-3 - all claimed

Apr 08, 2017 09:42

These pinch hits are due at the regular deadline of 23:59PM EDT on 27 May.

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Request 1 by AngeNoir
Warriors - Imagine Dragons (Song)
Fanart, FanFic

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

I've always liked the idea behind this song, that there is a person - a whole group of persons - who kind of live on the outside the society. I'm definitely thinking of a warrior class, but like, high fantasy or some futuristic world, not nowadays soldiers. The idea that some young child of the warrior class is somehow watching from the windows at maybe the nobles or the average citizens, their every day lives, and the almost certain knowledge they will die for these people they will never personally know. (or will they? o.O)


Request 2 by AngeNoir
Past Lives - Ke$ha (Song)

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

I hear this song and think of Hitchcock, honestly. I absolutely love the idea of souls intertwined for the ages. The idea that one of the pair always remembers the other, and builds monuments of the world in their lover's name - it really strikes a chord with me. Immortals, spanning years upon years, and maybe some lifetimes they never meet, or they meet and the other one never remembers, but they always end up in each other's orbit in some way.


Request 3 by AngeNoir
Gold Trans Am - Ke$ha (Song)
FanFic, Fanart

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

Okay, this is like my dirty little secret where I really like the idea of a tiny twink or pixie-like girl turning the head of a burly guy or butch roadhog who maybe has a massive number of tattoos and piercings and the like. This song is pretty much closer to an idea of a PWP in my head, but I could see this going in a just gen/teen direction too, if you want, focusing on the snappy, sexy, simmering relationship between the singer and their lover.


Request 4 by AngeNoir
Mad World - Jennifer Ann (Song)
FanFic, Fanart

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

The line "the dreams in which I'm dying / are the best I ever had" just really touches me deeply. I could see this from either person's perspective - the one on the outside looking in, or the narrator. This would really lend it to hurt/comfort, one partner offering support to the other.


Request 5 by AngeNoir
Gasoline - Halsey (Song)

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

Ohhh gosh, the idea of someone really well put together and looks too good to be true, and derided for that, told that they are a machine, because they have been told that they're only as good as what they can offer or what they can do, and so they strive to be as machine-like and effective as possible - I mean, this song is so deep. Someone seeing past that fake, artificial outside, or being the only person with the privilege of seeing that person break down - or the narrator/singer of the song desperately trying to reach out, find someone who has something similar to them ("are you insane like me?"), all of it is welcome.


Request 6 by AngeNoir
Control - Halsey (Song)

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, male or fem slash

I absolutely love the idea of someone having something dark hidden deep inside, something clawing outwards and scraping at other people. (it's no wonder that I love werewolves okay I'm not hiding this at all.) That children can sense this darkness, running away, and maybe everyone runs away? Maybe no one wants to be near this person because they're dangerous - until, one day, someone braves that danger?


Request 7 by AngeNoir
One Woman Army - Porcelain Black (Song)
FanFic, Fanart

NO: infidelity, scat, gore, humiliation, sad/depressing ending, dub-con, non-con, instant-love.

PREFER: relationship fic, hurt/comfort, fem slash

This is a lot more fun, a confident and in-your-face story. I love contrasts in partners (a really soft personality paired with a harsh personality, or a really outgoing personality paired with an introvert, all of that) and so I'm imagining this fierce (petite or otherwise unassuming) warrior tearing through any and all opposition (maybe as part of their job, maybe they're a soldier or a spy or a secret agent) and then coming into the house, taking off their shoes and dropping down on the couch and putting their head in their significant other's lap, while their significant other's day went more along the lines of a normal, boring, plain day.


Request 1 by awildneko
Windy Day - Oh My Girl (Music Video)

Please see dear creator letter


Request 2 by awildneko
Skydive - B.A.P (Music Video)

Please see dear creator letter


Request 3 by awildneko
Chase Me - Dreamcatcher (Music Video)

Please see dear creator letter


Request 4 by awildneko
Fighter - Monsta X (Music Video)

Please see dear creator letter


Request 5 by awildneko
We Know the Way (Moana Soundtrack) ft. Lin-Manuel Miranda - Opetaia Foa'i (Song)

Please see dear creator letter


Request 1 by Teaotter
If It Bleeds It Leads - Guante and Big Cats (Song)

For me, this is the very early days of a large-scale disaster. Plague, war, zombie apocalypse, werewolf invasion - I care less about the details and more about the shock and reaction.

What I’m most interested in here is the very personal, individual responses. I love the very pragmatic descriptions the narrator gives ("it started in the east, so we headed southwest") compared to the more dramatic reactions they imagine from other people ("scream, drop their dinners, struggling to hold back tears on the tv").


Request 2 by Teaotter
Red States - Guante and Big Cats (Song)

More than the other songs from this album, I hear this one as straight-up horror. That haunting feeling of being out of place, the creeping sense that whatever is out there hates you.

Considering the play on words for “red states,” I think this one is as much about how people turn on each other as anything having to do with monsters or apocalypses.


Request 3 by Teaotter
The Damp Foggy Midnight - Guante and Big Cats (Song)

For me, this is the flip side of “Red States,” when someone who’s been labeled as the villain embraces the role. I love the nightmare metaphors, and the slippery way that the narrator accepts what they’re doing, but never quite accepts the blame for it ("this isn’t an excuse or a justification, shit, this is just what happens").


Request 4 by Teaotter
This Is the Opposite of a Suicide Note - Guante (Song)
FanFic, Podfic

Hope, determination, and sheer stubbornness in the face of despair. That’s what I love about this song, and what I want out of a story built around it. Feel free to take any part of the song literally - meeting the devil, building an army of ordinary people, tattooing hope on your children, etc.


Request 5 by Teaotter
Joy in Repetition - Prince (Song)

This is another one I’d be happy to see someone take literally - a bar, all the self-involved people, and a woman on stage repeating two words over and over again. (I’d prefer if this wasn’t romantic, just because the two people involved will have just met.) On the other hand, it’s also good figuratively -- I’ve always thought that most performers get on stage and want the audience to love them. So if you want to take that idea in a different direction, feel free.


Thank you to all volunteers.

2017, pinch hits

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