Long time no see.

Apr 21, 2013 20:46

So. I suck as a LJ-user. Like, a lot.

In other news, the world is a horrible, horrible place. But then, some people go and behave awesomely, and it gives me a tiny bit of hope all over again.


Operation: 'Family trip to the US' is a go. We're going to NY and Orlando in September, and by we I mean the whole gang - mum and dad, my brother and I. The last time we did something similar was literally ten years ago, in 2003, holy crap. Time flies.

I actually think it will be a blast. I've been needing a vacation like you have NO idea, and hey, it's a bunch of grown ups going to DISNEY WORLD. How can you go wrong with that?


Work's being fine, if a little slow, but I'm not complaining. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off because Tuesday is a State holiday, and I didn't feel like working on a Monday only to stay at home on a Tuesday and then go back to work on Wednesday. I mean, I had the free day. I'm taking it.

hi i'm random, work work work, trip

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