
Feb 10, 2013 23:50

It's (the end of) Day 2 of Carnaval down here, and let me just say that Carnaval may be my most favourite holiday on the account of having an extra free day. Yes, it's not a four-day-long weekend, but FIVE-day-long weekend! No work until next Thursday, baby! Hell yeah!

So far, what I've done the most? Sleeping. No, seriously. Yesterday I was barely 8 hours out of bed, I'm not even kidding. And that's great, because those were exacty my plans: do nothing. I'll leave the whole partying thing for, you know, party people.


I'm completely and utterly obsessed with The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Did I mention it here before? Well, I am.

And this actually made me go looking for Pride and Prejudice fics. Sure, there are quite a few LBD's fics at AoOO, and I've checked those too, but I went even further and saved a whole lot of fics from the original story.

Which, let me tell you, 1) most of those fics are HUGE. Like, really. They've been a great companion in traffic jams; and B) they're also pretty hard to find, what with most of the stories being hosted in sites that went down. All hail The Wayback Machine.


I had plans of watching some TV, mostly Elementary (I'm behind again!) and Teen Wolf (hah!).

So far, I failed.


Work's being fine.

You know what's being much better than fine, though? A BRAND NEW COMPUTER! One that WORKS. You guys, it's awesome.

No, seriously. You have no idea what I had to put up before with the monstrosity that used to play the part of being my computer. Just so you can have an idea, from time to time the mouse cursor just disappeared. And if I had to go from, say, my browser to my e-mail program? The screen would open in stages, like, a little square at a time.

Not anymore! Now the computer WORKS! Too bad I can't install, like, anything. I still don't know how I'll live without stickies. :(


Oh, you know what else has being eating my brain? Candy Crush.

I cannot stop playing it, you guys!

jane austen is a girly writer, work work work, brasilianismo

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