Rain, bah.

Apr 06, 2010 09:55

It's rained so much in the last 24 hours that authorities are asking people to stay home. The whole metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro is literally under water.

Now, you see, we don't have things like "snowed in" days. It's quite the novelty. Dad was already going to work when we called him telling him to come home, because the bridge was blocked due the weather, and brother won't be going to work either. I had about a thousand things to do out today, but I guess I'll have to postpone. Raincheck (hah) and all that jazz.


On other news, Castle still makes me ridiculously happy; I just can't stop grinning while watching it. Last episode was delightful - but then again, they always are.

I'm also probably completely hooked up on Justified. Damn, it's good. And yep, I'm loving the music so far.

I was reeeeeeally excited about Human Target - I honestly loved the pilot to tiny pieces. It helps that I crush on Mark Valley since Keen Eddie, and Tricia Helfer is drop-dead gorgeous and ridiculously talented. Oh, and I confess I'm a bit of 14 year-old boy when it comes to genre preferences. But as I've watched further, I got a little bored. Knowing myself, I will probably watch the rest of episodes, and hopefully things will pick up again. Or maybe not.

And In Plain Sight totally blindsided me, as I had no idea its third season premiered last week. But as usual I loved Marshall, and Mary is BAMF, and the least we get from annoying mother and annoying sister, the better.

But seriously, tell me something: now that I've finally watched Band of Brothers and fell in love with Lipton, does that mean I'll have a permanent crush on Donnie Wahlberg? Because I'm not cool with that. He was a New Kid on the Block, for crying out loud - and I'm old enough to actually remember New Kids on the Block, and have bought their tapes (tapes!) and magazines and whatever - hey, I was ten. So it's just wrong to have a crush on Donnie Wahlberg, I'm just saying. And yet, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked that episode as much as I did if it wasn't for him.


hi i'm random, generic tv babble, *facepalm*

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