Mar 08, 2005 20:52
Wow, it has been a long time since I've written in this. I've been busy, busy, busy.
School is crazy. So much work, I feel like I'm never done and that there is always something I should be doing, which is true. I have a presentation, big paper, and science experiment all due in April, yet I haven't started any of them. I know I'll be ok, I always pull through in the end.
Work is work, the kids are cute, the hours are so long. I've been working like 9 to 10 hour days. But I only work 3 days a week, so it's not that bad, but it definatly wears me out.
I've become a lot more involved in my church, which I really enjoy. I'm teaching the Wed. night 2 and 3 year old class with my mom and this month during Sunday morning worship I am in the nursury with the one year olds. I'm also helping out a lot more with the nursury program. There's also this family from church that I started baby-sitting for. They have twin girls, 5 months old, and a 4 year old girl. They are all so cute, especially the twins.
I get to go to Arkansas next week Wed., hurray!! I'm going with Ariene. I'm so excited. We are going from Wed. to Sunday. We are going down to visit some old friends, it'll be so much fun. Time to get away from this snow for awhile, and when I come back the cold better be gone :)
Well friends have been fun, as always. Doing the same things with them that I have been. Every Friday night is our night, and sometimes we get together other times too. Jeff, Joe, and I have started watching these movies on this top 100 best movies of all time list. We are on number four, which we are watching this weekend, Gone with the Wind. If anyone wants to watch it with us they are more then welcome! We have already watched Citizan Cane, Casa Blanca, and The Godfather. All were good. And this summer we have planned a trip to go white water rafting in West Virgina. Aug. 3-7 I believe are the dates. If anyone is interested in that they are more then welcome to come with us.
Well I think that is about all for now. This entry is long enough.
Happy Birthday Kim, Nikki, Jeff, Debi, and Grandpa!! (all March birthdays)
Happy St. Patricks Day and Happy Easter because I'm sure I won't be updating anytime before that.