Kid fic and non nuclear families or why I like reading kidfic

Jun 22, 2008 13:51

I really enjoy reading Jim & Blair kidfic, I enjoy it some much that I doubt that there are any kidfics in the Sentinel
Fandom that I haven't read at least twice.

The other day I started wondering why I am so fascinated with these types of fics.
Here are the first three reasons that popped into my head :

1) My biological clock is ticking and I really want children of my own.
2) I am fond of stories where Jim gets to take care of Blair.
3) I enjoy reading scenarios where authors explore how Jim or Blair would deal with being single fathers or a same sex couple.

Point One
This is probably not the reason I like kidfic so much, it was the first thing that came to mind so I decided to write it down
anyway. I am definitely broody though, I had a dream that I  was pregnant the other day. ::yikes::

Point Two
I do enjoy reading stories where Jim gets to take care of Blair, instead of the other way around. However I have found that
stories like that tend to portray Blair as weak and out of character, which I personally find rather off putting.

So reading an AU fic where Jim (the adult) gets to take care of Blair(the kid) really, really works for me.

My favorite of these types of fics has to be LKY's Raising the Shaman.
Especially the chapter that deals with Adult Blair's reaction to Jim and kid!Blair's father/son relationship.

Point Three
This is probably the real reason I enjoy reading kidfic.
Having been raised by a single and openly gay dad, I enjoy stories where Jim and Blair are a couple and are raising a child

The aspect I like most about these types of stories is seeing how the author deals, how ever briefly, with Jim and Blair's
friends and families reactions to Jim and Blair's relationship. Here I spend lots of time filling in the blanks and fleshing
out the authors subplots in my head. ::grins::

It is interesting to note that the reaction is almost always favorable, which is often not how it works out in real life.

It is my most deep dark desire to read , or write, a story in which Jim and Blair and their kid get snubbed by a random
stranger because of Jim and Blair being together and how they dealt with the situation. It would be better than therapy.


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