Aug 08, 2006 13:59
Yes, it's another one of those. I first rolled my ankle about three weeks ago, playing Crumpets, the same night that I collided heads and evened out my eyebrow. I noticed it at the time, but it didn't start hurting until later that night, after posting about the other injuries. I got an ankle brace a couple days later, and have been wearing it most of the time since, including playing Crumpets, but I rolled it again the next time, not to mention a bunch of smaller twings in between. Now last night I rolled it again. Hard.
I'm currently sitting at the airport, waiting for my plane to board, and killing time. I have therefore finally set up my new screen names for AIM and Yahoo. I'm in the process of moving all of my logins to Ribbons the Friendly Viking, or some variant thereof. Check my info page here for the details.