
Jan 15, 2008 17:36

..an effin' slow day. 
now i know how it feels like to wake up every morning with only one single thought running through my head - "NEED A JOB". and it's a horrid feeling, dreading the entire day simply being stuck at home searching for job classified ads online while you could have been.. i don't know, ficworming or even attempting to write a fic or something along those lines. but oh well, it paid off . i managed to receive a response from a lan gaming centre. hope that works out alright, in a sense that it fulfils three of my criterions 1) i get a steady source of income 2) i get PAID to see guys 3) i'm surrounded by gamers   .. even though i'm probably being naive about my upcoming job offer again, but whatever.

and oh , oh. in the end, i couldn't bring myself to face (COWARD. I know that's what you're thinking. Me, too.) that effin' ugly, dingy horrid place. so i turned down that job offer to be swim coach to one of the most prestigious swimming club in my country. I KNOW. sigh. i'm crazy like this. but then again, me = a swim coach = laughing stock of the century. i'm dead serious on this one.

when i get a job, things will probably spiral out of control, huh? maybe my whole american dream will just shatter into two or something. thoughts and hopes of having a better 2008 fandom and writing-wise all gone, resolutions to make it to gdc08 one day.. SIGH. jeez. but c'mon, let's face it. i need a change in my life, and i don't care if i have to give up some of my old stuff for this new change. it's better be a positive onee.

but SRSLY, i need to get back to writing, like ASAP.

it's not an impossible dream - to become a game writing. portfolio. gdc(inserttwodigitnumericalshere). = JOB OPENING INTO THE GAMING INDUSTRY. So you DO know what this means, doncha. I've got to start building up a REALLY solid portfolio. Build up that game writing portfolio again. I don't know. Write fics. Write like crazy. GSHJF:DSHJ:FD.

Maybe I'm the one who doesn't believe I can write again.

I don't know.

I want to write - even if that's the last thing i ever do if a meteorite hits this planet again. I miss something about those written words. GHAHJ:FDS. I mean, i've been writing forever, if you know what I mean. JEez..

If i'm lucky, by tomorrow, if that lanshop REALLY offers me a job vacancy, then..then I'm done with that long ardous hours of job-hunting. WHEEE. once i get a steady source of income, lfie will be SO MUCH EASIER.

work, sleep, eat, shit, write, game, watch anime, read manga, computer, REPEAT.




hey! i like to think my naivety is my best trait. (pumps fists into the air)

plotbunniess.. ATTACK PLZfdshj;fds.  why do I keep having this feeling that my right brain died on me or something? BHSHA i hateyufydosufds.

gaming job, writing

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