Obligatory Post #5

Aug 04, 2009 10:00

I think I'm losing something. Sanity perhaps? Or maybe something cliche like Happiness and Life. But whatever that is, it's affecting my work.

Yesterday was hell for me. My boss kept returning my works for revision. I couldn't quite grasp what she wanted me to do and my apparently degrading sense of hearing was not helping at all. I managed to squeeze a few more words for the write-ups and they were finally approved though I think it was more because my boss was leaving already and had no time to criticize them anymore. I got home, tried taking a break but epically failed because I was so pressured with the deadline my part-time employer had set (which was yesterday) and which I managed to fail to keep. I slept early (by early I mean 1am) after squeezing my brain dry and managing to write two paragraphs which were epic failure and had to be revised later.

More failure followed this morning when I didn't wake up at 6am to finish at least one article for my part-time. I woke up at 8, got pissed off because the hair color was still dyeing my towel pink, and got more pissed because there was no REAL breakfast. Yes there was cereal and last night's chicken but no REAL breakfast. I settled with rice and microwave-cooked egg which taste like blah. I came to the office late because of epic traffic just to be reminded that I still owe my boss another product write up.

I think I just lost my point somewhere in the middle of ranting. Oh well. Back to work then.. >.
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