Obligatory Post #4

Aug 03, 2009 10:19

Looking forward to Wednesday.

Nope, I'm not attending President Cory's funeral though I'm going to watch it on TV. I don't have much feelings about her being a good president or the leader to freedom or whachamacallems. But I can see that she's a good person and a very good mother; and for that I'm sad that she's gone. She's probably one of the very few good among the many influencial people in the Philippines. Her death is definitely a lost to us.

Grieving aside, I'm looking forward to Wednesday. For one, I get to sleep really late (by late I mean up to 9am >.<). I can also buy the stuff I need like a new mouse and a new jacket though I might delay the latter for the Save-for-Kyoto thingy with AME peepz. I also get to cook meals which I miss terribly. It's surprisingly relaxing to peel potatoes and cut up raw meat. It's also weird that I get all hungry whenever I see raw liver and such. I wonder if I'm really turning into a certified cannibal. @__@


This morning's gym experience was embarrassing. Apparently, the dye in my hair was not completely washed and, whilst I was sweating my ass off, my shirt was turning into pink because of my hair. I only realized it when I wiped my nape with the towel and saw the pink horror. No wonder people were staring at me as soon as I got off the threadmill. So I had to cut my sweating session short. I went straight to bath and practically washed my hair for almost 5 minutes.


What's up with the weather huh?


I'm sleepy. I want to slack off (although I'm doing that right now) and play Sims 3 or watch the newly downloaded One Piece and Hetalia episodes (internet speed in the office right now is EPIC--in a good way). But I can't. I did promise to myself that I'll do better with my job and when is the better time to start than NOW?

So... uhh.. yeah, I'll work now.
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